Wednesday, March 31, 2010

"Be holy as I am holy"

This is Holy Week... This is when Christians remember the week of Jesus' road to Calvary, His crucifixion, and His glorious ascension. He lives!! As a Spirit-filled Christian, I celebrate it every day of every year! He took my punishment for me, and I didn't deserve it and neither did anyone else. But He did it anyway. It's the Gospel - the Good news - that Jesus died on the cross and rose again. He is triumphant over death, for Himself and all who accept His gift of salvation - saving us. All of the others that are worshipped are still in the grave. All others are buried in graves except Jesus! He truly is the son of God. And He's STILL alive, He still sends His Holy Spirit to live in Christians to do what He did when He was on earth... healings, deliverances, and leads to salvation.

In the Old Testament in the Jewish faith (God's chosen ones) God has days that He wants His children to remember the great things He has done. He commanded His children to commemorate Passover, and Jesus did as well. And so, we also remember when He became the sacrificial lamb, and was the ultimate sacrifice to end all sacrifices that Jews had always done. Yes, it's the most important week of remembering, and we shouldn't take it lightly or flippantly. And yes, it was 2,000 years ago, but He is still here TODAY. He sent His comforter, the Holy Spirit, who is here with the same mission. Jesus is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. His miracles are as much for today as they were 2,000 years ago.
God says in His word, "Be holy as I am holy."
Yes, Lord....