Thursday, March 25, 2010

Men are men and women are women.

There is a spirit of homosexuality rising in this world. In His Word, God says that the last days will be like in the days of Noah. Contrary to popular belief, I do not believe that anyone is born a homosexual. God would not make someone born with something that would send them to hell. It is a spirit and one can be delivered from this spirit. This spirit may come on them early in life, to where they think they were born with it, but they were not. The gay lifestyle is a lonely and dangerous lifestyle, and not something God would want for His children. I've known several gay guys that I grew up with that have died from Aids, and their siblings have told me how sad and lonely the lifestyle was. God wants to deliver these men and women from this spirit and have it cast out. They can come to Jesus and He will heal them. Come to a Spirit-filled church with a deliverance ministry.
Stand on the promises of God, "By the stripes of Jesus, we were healed." And, the healing in the Bible is complete - body, mind and spirit. God can and does still heal. What a great love He has for these men and women in this lifestyle. He beckons them to, " Come to Me all who are weary, and I will give you rest." He will give them the power. He is an awesome God.