Monday, November 15, 2010


One of the most important lessons I'm teaching my children is, do the right thing always and let the chips fall where they will. This may seem like common sense, but you'd be surprised at how many let the ends justify the means, which is a little trick of the enemy. You know, the 'white' lies, for instance. Well, no matter what 'color' the lie is, it's still a lie. Or if you're at work, and you're co-worker is really hateful to you. You may want to do otherwise, but continue to take the high road. Several of my youngest child's friend's parents have been very rude to us since we are church goers. But I continued treating them nicely, and they have come to respect me and say nice things now. I'm not the one they will call to go out for a drink, but I am the one they will call when they need prayer...