Thursday, November 4, 2010

Right now

I am noticing the enemy attacking the most on fire Christians at my church. Today one of our church pillar's son starting having seizures and was rushed by ambulance to the nearest city's children's hospital. Well I've got news for you, satan... You cannot have this little boy! He is covered with the BLOOD OF JESUS! He is surrounded by lots and lots of God's angels for protection. And, since this 3 year old is in the family of God's child, He WILL BE HEALED!! God's Word says that WHATEVER we ask in the NAME OF JESUS, God will do. It is also written, "The seed of the righteous SHALL be delivered." And, "I will pour out My Spirit on your offspring, and My blessing on your descendants." You leave him alone, satan!! It is written, "By the stripes of Jesus we WERE healed." and "They shall lay hands on the sick, and they SHALL recover."

Thank you, God, that RIGHT NOW you are healing Luke - in Jesus' name.