Monday, November 8, 2010


Here's a thought.... There are lots of people saying that the earth will end in 2012. You and I don't really know because only God really knows when it will be. But the interesting question is, are you ready? What if Jesus is coming back in 2012? We're within 2 months of 2011. So if Jesus comes back on January 1st, 2012, we only have 14 months until that day. What will you do until then, if in fact, He comes back that day? Will you work for the Lord, and tell as many of your friends about Him, because after 1-1-12, it will be too late? I mean seriously, THINK about it. If we REALLY knew when He was coming back, we would be getting ready. We wouldn't be investing our money in retirement. We wouldn't be stressed out about a promotion at our job. We wouldn't be setting aside a college fund for our children. We would be getting ready.

Think about it....