Wednesday, December 15, 2010

No fear

Yesterday a young man from my church sent me a Bible verse that he felt like God was telling him to give me. "For God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind." It was a wonderful confirmation for me, as the Lord has been whispering this in my ear for a few weeks. So much of our lives are wasted on fear. And fear is the opposite of faith. And the Bible says that without faith, it is impossible to please God.

Let me also add, that we ARE supposed to have a fear of the Lord, a reverence for the Almighty God, a respect for our Creator. So I am not talking about that kind of fear. No, fear is lots of things, none of which are good or show faith. All of our worries - they just show that we are not trusting God with them. For example money. If you have big money problems, the Word says, "Don't worry about anything but pray about everything." Give it over to Him.
I shared last week that I felt like the Lord was prompting me to go pray for a sick man that I did not know. My fear kept me from doing that. Fear of looking silly. Fear that I only thought I heard God. Fear that they would be insulted. Fear... it's a bad spirit. And it's one of the main ways the enemy uses to paralyze us from doing the right thing.