Saturday, December 11, 2010


Sometimes, like today, this world gets to be too much for me.... The sadness takes over and I don't want to play any more. The enemy has been attacking my family and he wants me to quit. He's making it real tempting. But I can't. No, there is work to be done, and no matter what, I will go on, with God's help. It seems the news is so depressing the past couple of years, that I don't even want to know what's going on. They keep saying we are teetering on the brink of disaster. And there's not a thing I can do about it but pray. Even non-Christians can sense that the world is in free fall. And even they can see the set up for the anti-Christ. Look around, the scene is being set for the end times, and sooner than later. All of the Biblical prophecies have taken place that have to before the rapture can happen, so it can be at any moment. And His word tells us to be working until He comes. So I will. And if the rapture happens tonight, I will be sad for all of my unsaved friends and family, because God gives everyone a chance. I think the people on earth right now have an advantage, because even the lay person's eye can see us like we're on the Titanic. It's just a question of time, how much time do we have?

And so I say, repent. Turn away from your sins. Tell God you agree that you're a sinner, and you accept His gift of salvation - that when Jesus died on the cross for our sins, He took our punishment for us. Ask Him to "take the wheel" and let Him be in the driver's seat, not you.
And then don't do those bad things any more.
See you in heaven...