Monday, December 6, 2010

One day

Would love to share something that happened at church a week ago on Thanksgiving weekend.... in our Spirit-filled church, when people feel like God wants them to share, they come up to the front of the church between praise songs. Lots of people were sharing, and God was definitely moving. People share testimonies, spiritual dreams, prophecies and words of knowlege. It was very poignant and even more special than usual. After the pastor's sermon, he often will point at someone and tell them what God has told him about them, spiritually speaking.

We had a visitor in the back, an attractive woman, middle aged whom he pointed to. He started telling her things that God had told him. She remained poker faced, which is unusual, as most start crying or are very moved. After several minutes, pastor said, "is this right?" And she started walking forward. He prayed for her, and then she said she wanted to share something and went to the microphone.
She relayed her story - that she had been married to a wonderful Christian man for 33 years, and that this past July, only 4 months earlier, they were walking and holding hands at the mall, and he said that sometimes God takes people very quickly. He was in the oil and gas business in West Texas, and had told her if he ever died at work, that a company truck would come to their house with 3 men. Two days later, she said the morning felt strange. After her husband left for work, she was reading the Bible and kept coming to scriptures about death. She got a bad feeling and kept trying to call him. He always answered his cell phone, but not today. She started pacing and worrying and watching the window. She watched the company truck pull up, and begged God, no, no, not her husband. As they got out the of truck, she counted 1-2-3 men and she ran out to meet them. He had been killed an hour after he left home in his company vehicle. Someone ran a stop sign going very fast, and broad-sided him. He was killed instantly. As she told the story, she cried, and we all cried. She talked about how lost she is without him, and could hardly get out of bed these 4 months. Pastor asked that some of the women of the church come up and pray with her. Almost all women went forward, and prayed and prayed. She was told that God would be her husband, as the Word says, and many other comforting things.
She called pastor this week to tell him to tell our church that God had used us to completely change her life. She said before that day, she woke up every day saying she was one step closer to dying and seeing her husband. But after that day, she was renewed and says, "What can I do for You today Lord?" You see, God brought her to our church that day to speak through us to tell her how much He loves her and that He still has plans for her. And that He will be with her and give her peace. Oh, God is an awesome, loving Father. And He has no favorites; He loves you just the same...