Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Jacobs Announces Prophetic Implications of bin Laden’s Death


binladen111While many around the world were watching President Obama share the news of Osama bin Laden’s capture on Sunday night, one prophetic voice was watching through teary eyes.

That prophetic voice was Cindy Jacobs.

The news of bin Laden's death elicited memories of the national tragedy known as 9/11. That fateful day when the World Trade Center towers went up in deadly flames was of special interest to her as an intercessor. That's because she had just flown from Washington, D.C., with many of Generals International’s state coordinators from the United States Reformation Prayer Network to intercede for the nation.

“Aside from the obvious joy that I felt as an American that this evil man had been brought to justice, I received two things from the Lord,” Jacobs told Charisma News. “One brings me great hope and the other an admonition.”

Here are the prophetic insights Jacobs shared with Charisma News:

With this strongman taken out, we will see a great increase in the number of Muslims coming to Christ in America and other parts of the world. Former Muslims will be emboldened in the Spirit to share their experience of knowing Christ. A sweeping move of the Holy Spirit along the Isaiah 19 “Highway of Holiness” will be experienced from Egypt to Iran, throughout Iraq to Israel. It will seemingly spring up out of nowhere but is actually the result of the prayers of many, and God answering from heaven the blood of those who have been martyred even in recent days. God has His "hidden army" among the youth even in the orthodox Church who will move in great signs and wonders and many will marvel and come to Christ.

Parallel with this encouraging word, Jacobs says the Lord showed her we need to stand guard against retaliation. The exact words Jacobs heard from the Lord were "batten down the hatches." She explains that this is a nautical term used when a terrible storm is approaching. Jacobs concludes, “It seems as if the heavens are violent right now and we all need to pray protection and be especially vigilant for the nation.”

Read more:

Monday, March 28, 2011

Look West

Since I attend a Charismatic, Spirit-filled church, my pastor mentioned yesterday that Bob Jones, a respected prophet in the United States, gave a prophecy 22 years ago. It said that we would be in the end times when Japan had a huge earthquake and a meltdown of their economy. (It actually said the word, "meltdown.") He said in that prophecy, that once that happened to keep your eyes on the U.S.'s west coast, as there would then be a huge earthquake there...

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Word for USA

March 19 , 2011
Prayer Alert!

Bob and Bonnie Jones: Japan

Intro by Steve Shultz:

When Bob and Bonnie Jones get even the shortest dream or revelation, it carries with it great importance from my perspective.

"Give and it will be given to you," the Word says. Clue: The next six months are VERY important.

Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News


Dated: Saturday, March 19, 2011


Bob had a dream this morning and felt it significant. Perhaps you want to post it with hopes to get the Church to petition the Father.

Thanks & blessings!
Bonnie Jones

Bob Jones' Dream:

In a dream today on March 19th, I saw the Father was waiting for the Church to lay a petition before Him so He could grant mercy to Japan and also to the United States. For the mercy we show Japan will be shown to us during the time of our need.

I saw that the next six months were critical, and He's waiting for the Church to lay this petition before Him so He can begin to show grace. We need to be in continual prayer and lay petitions before Him. The next six months is a very dangerous time and only the Father has the answer. The only way to Him is through the Son Jesus Christ.

Bob and Bonnie Jones
The Prophetic Ministry of Bob and Bonnie Jones

To contact Bob Jones send your inquiry to:
Bob and Bonnie Jones Ministries
White Horses Publishings
P.O. Box 838
Pineville, NC 28134-0838


Visit our webstore and check out... "Can't You Talk Louder, God?" A prophetic book by Steve Shultz: image

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Tuesday, March 15, 2011

What Does the Bible Say About Tsunamis?

What Does the Bible Say About Tsunamis?

(click on sentence above to go to the article)

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Eyewitness Report: What the Mainstream Media Won't Tell You About Egypt Crisis

Eyewitness Report: What the Mainstream Media Won't Tell You About Egypt Crisis

(click on sentence above)

Monday, January 31, 2011


One of my loved one's called me early this morning, saying they felt very sick but needed to catch a plane home within an hour and a half. She asked me to pray, so before the sun even came up, I was praying. I then began texting her healing verses from God's Word. God gives these promises to His children, and His word is truth, and He cannot lie. We can stand on these words as our own. Once we become His children, and let 'Jesus take the wheel' of our lives, these promises are ours. I sent her verses like, "By the stripes of Jesus, we were healed." and "I will remove sickness from your midst." and "For the law of life in Christ Jesus, has set me free from the law of sin and death." We did this for a long time, and 5 minutes before her car left for the airport, her terrible nausea subsided and she was able to make the 2 hour drive to the airport.

Yesterday at church our sermon was on the importance of learning God's promises to us, so that when the enemy attacks, we can be ready for him. Jesus did this when the devil tempted Him; He said "It is written..." You see, it's truth.... God's truth. And even the enemy backs down because he cannot argue the truth, he can only twist it and try to deceive.
Our pastor says, and this was certainly true today, that a time will come when you don't have time to grab your Bible; you will need to have these important verses in your memory. You will need them like a weapon. Just as when someone is breaking into your home, you don't have time to go into the garage and get your gun, and find the bullets to load it. No, you will need your gun immediately to fight the enemy.
There are lots of books that have the promises culled for your to learn, but you can also get them from your Bible, as you read and find those that give you strength.
Start today!

Sunday, January 23, 2011


As our church fast ends, all of us on the fast were able to hear God better than usual. The first week I had the vision at church that I posted at that time. The second week, God began to speak to me in His inaudible voice that a national tragedy was about to happen, and then the Arizona shootings happened 2 days later. The third week, I had a dream about my coworker, who is in her early 30's and is very overweight. I dreamed that I was looking at her obituary, and started yelling,"No, no!!!" and asked God not to let her die. In the dream, the last name then changed to a different name, and I woke up thinking that this was His warning. I told her about it, and she listened intently, saying she knew she needs to lose weight. The next day she became very disoriented and for a few minutes was lost. Then she started having chest pains the next few days, and after remembering the dream, went to the doctor who told her that her blood pressure was in the danger range. He was able to lower it with strong meds, and she is now on a strict regime to lose weight.

God is an awesome God!

Saturday, January 15, 2011


As I preach to myself, I see that in order for God to forgive me, I have to forgive others according to His word. I also see that He says, "Vengeance is Mine, says the Lord," so I cannot seek revenge. He says to pray for our enemies, even though we don't like them. And as I think about those who wrong my children, I ask God to help me, because I know that He is a just God and someday there will be justice. I opened my Bible, and it came to Psalms 37, in which the entire chapter says not to fret about evildoers, that they will get what they deserve. And so, I leave it in God's hands...

Thursday, January 13, 2011


Our church is on a collective fast for 21 days. Our pastor says it's so we can hear God better, and I'm finding this to be very true. God is giving me spiritual dreams, and words of knowledge and visions. God is SO awesome; I LOVE Him!!!!!

Monday, January 10, 2011


It's time to be bold for the Lord. We cannot let fear keep us from doing what we are supposed to be doing. It's a tactic of the enemy - he uses fear, lies, and deception. "For God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind." Let's be bold! We have the truth that will set people free! God cannot lie because He is truth. All goodness is from God and all of the bad is from the enemy. God's word says all good gifts are from God. There may be some things we don't understand, but trust that He always has your best interest in mind. God is a good God. He's not some disinterested pie-in-the-sky waiting to smush you like a gnat. He's interested in even the smallest details of your life, His word says He even knows the number of hairs on your head. He loves you more than anything else. He is your Father, your husband, your lover, your best friend, your master, your king, your healer, your saviour...

Friday, January 7, 2011

Prophecies for 2011

Below are transcribed words from a TV interview with Pat Robertson and Terry Meeuwsen about the year 2011 and what the Lord has spoken to Pat.

Used by permission from Christian Broadcasting Network:

Terry Meeuwsen: We always look forward to this time of the year because you go up to the mountaintop before the first of the year and spend some time alone with the Lord, and in prayer, and God gives you some insight into things.

Pat Robertson: Well, sometimes I have had things that have been so spot on it's almost frightening; other times I say, well, I put these things out tentatively to see if this is what the Lord has. I'm not some kind of a psychic so I want everybody to understand that, but I ask God for direction and He very graciously gives it to me from time to time. But, here are some of the highlights of what I felt that He told me over an extended period of time. I'm gonna share more of this with our staff, but, here goes, and take it for what you feel... and, this is what I'm writing and what I'm saying this is what the Lord said:

"Your country is in grave peril. The leaders have hearkened to the demands of interest groups and have led your nation into bankruptcy. In two years will come a time of reckoning" - it's not now, but it's gonna be two years from now. "Your creditors will demand payment and there will not be enough to satisfy their claims. Your currency will shrink in value, your bonds will lose value, people on fixed incomes will suffer, unemployment will escalate, and there will be turmoil."

And God says, "I will protect My people," but He says, "warn them now about what is coming – tell them to get out of debt and restrict purchases NOW." Because you know, if you own your house and you have whatever you have and there's no debt against it, you get to keep it regardless of what happens. But if you have debt against it, you lose.

Well the Lord said, "My glory will shine throughout the earth. Everywhere men will be seeking solutions to their problems. Many will turn to Me, many will curse and revile Me. There's going to be a division coming up," – it already is, but it'll be worse. "It will not be a time of happiness. Bitter recriminations, revolutions, increasing turmoil. In the midst of that, CBN will prosper, Regent will prosper, the ACLU will be needed as never before." And, this is...

Terry: The ACLJ.

Pat: The AC - what'd I say?

Terry: You said 'ACLU'.

Pat: Woo! No!

Terry: (laughing) Just needed to correct that.

Pat: The ACLJ – American Center for Law and Justice, "will be needed as never before." And God's going to give us extraordinary miracles. It's gonna be another good year for CBN, but it's gonna be tough for the world. So, that's the main message. The word was in 2012 the man who is going to be elected president, will preside over quote, "an impoverished nation" – it's hard to believe that could happen, but it can quickly.

Terry: Well, just as we just saw with that story on Governor McDonnell, you know, you can turn things around quickly, but things can fall just as quickly.

Pat: Well, I don't think this is, in a sense, set in stone. I mean, you know, that's just what's gonna happen if we keep on doing what we're doing.

Terry: Yeah.

Pat: And we can change, and obviously it's, it's not uh, but, that's the way it is, and it's going to be turmoil and confusion. And, you know, the Lord said wise men have offered solutions and the solutions won't work. And there's so many people who feel so proud of themselves they leave God out of the equation.

Terry: Yeah.

Pat: So that's the, but, unless we do something, uh, we're – the country's bankrupt now – is what the Lord is saying. It's now, look, you know the, we have more debts than we have uh...

Terry: Exactly.

Pat: ...ability to pay 'em. And so I think it's time that we understand that, and we've got an example from Bob McDonnell here in Virginia, that says here's the way we can fix it.

Terry: Yes.

Pat: But, it's gonna be serious, Terry. I don't think people realize, the rate of unemployment, especially with people on fixed incomes, how they're gonna be hurt, they're gonna be suffering, and there will be turmoil and bitter recriminations; and of course around the world as this strikes there'll be rioting and looting and all the stuff that goes along with economic problems.

Terry: So getting your house in order financially, getting out of debt, would be the practical things to do.

Pat: Absolutely.

Terry: And spiritually, getting tuned into the Lord.

Pat: Getting tuned into the Lord. Remember the parable of the wise and the foolish virgins, the one had extra oil. You know, for Christmas, Gordon got me a little teeny lamp about as big as what I'm showing right now (holds finger and thumb about two or three inches apart), and it was a lamp you fill with oil. And that's what the – the foolish virgins – they all had the little lamp, but obviously it runs out of oil. So there was a little vial of oil that the smart ones had with them.

Terry: To refill.

Pat: To refill when it ran out. And so, they were prepared. And people who are not prepared, but, you just know of a fact there's gonna be economic hardship. And...

Terry: Well, over and over again in the Word, it says, "Let him who has ears hear."

Pat: Yeah.

Terry: And so, it's a time for us to, you know, be open to what God's trying to say.

Pat: Well it's a realistic message; it's not a message of disaster. Although something else the Lord said, and I think this is very important, I forgot this, He said, "I am not going to let men destroy the world with nuclear bombs." And I think that is important. We worry about North Korea, we worry about Iran and so forth; the Lord is NOT going to let that happen so I think we can take that one off the table. And that's encouragement. But He did say, "I'm going to bring some judgment on people, but they'll know it's Me." It won't be the result of some...

Terry: Some man.

Pat: ...some man hand, some person who is a fanatic. He's NOT going to allow men to destroy this world with nuclear weapons. So that's...

Terry: That's an encouragement.

To view this video in its entirety click here.

Pat Robertson with Terry Meeuwsen
The 700 Club
Christian Broadcasting Network

Thursday, January 6, 2011


On Sunday, I had a vision in praise and worship. I was at a gate of a horse racetrack and really wanted on the track to get in the race. God said I had to get my mouth under control before I could come in. ("Let no unwholesome word proceed from your mouth, but only such a word as is good for edification according to the need of the moment, so that it will give grace to those who hear." - Ephesians 4:29) At our church, if the Lord gives you a word, we are encouraged to come up and share between songs, but I thought it was just for me.When the pastor's grown son came up to share about 2011, and later his dad (pastor), I realized I should share this vision. His son shared that he had a dream that he was on a HORSE and was going fast, which can be exciting and scary. In his dream, he heeled the horse to go faster, and it reared up and took hauling, super fast - the fear of God. He said God told him that 2011 would be the year of the horse - the power and swiftness of His Spirit. God told him that families would be used to start revivals. That children and family members would come to the Lord. That God would revisit old prayers from the past, and answer them, even from descendants that prayed long ago. That the next revival would come through families. (see Psalms 112.) He had a vision and saw families holding hands and opened them like a GATE. He said that Christians and non-Christians are saying that 2011 will be good - it will be fruitful. He also had another vision that he and his dad were fishing and having a good time, but then a dark, menacing cloud started growing, so his dad grabbed him and took him to a grand house on a hill. It was a spiritual thing, where he knew God was saying that He would protect us. He said in his dream, he and his dad looked down from the hill and saw the people below in panic. He said evangelism will shift. God's children will see rain as a provision, while others will see it as an awful act of God. We are to draw into God's presence. He said in 2010, God told him some things about the next 3 years - that at the end of the 10th month, 10-10-10, we would start getting better, and 2011 would be a fruitful year, and 2012 would be a year of choice. He said he heard that prophets would not be prophets of rebuke but of encouragement. That we've been spiritually sleeping but will wake up. That we are to prepare.

Then our pastor came up to talk, and had not heard before hand what his son would share.
He said there would be a shift to prosperity, spiritually speaking, and God would provide every thing we need for His ministry. That the Lord would pour an increase of prophetic on His children. That He would bring in a greater wave, and anointing will flow. We must hear God; He wants to use us and let us be His mouthpiece. Wherever we set the soles of our feet, declare it for the Kingdom of God.