Monday, January 31, 2011


One of my loved one's called me early this morning, saying they felt very sick but needed to catch a plane home within an hour and a half. She asked me to pray, so before the sun even came up, I was praying. I then began texting her healing verses from God's Word. God gives these promises to His children, and His word is truth, and He cannot lie. We can stand on these words as our own. Once we become His children, and let 'Jesus take the wheel' of our lives, these promises are ours. I sent her verses like, "By the stripes of Jesus, we were healed." and "I will remove sickness from your midst." and "For the law of life in Christ Jesus, has set me free from the law of sin and death." We did this for a long time, and 5 minutes before her car left for the airport, her terrible nausea subsided and she was able to make the 2 hour drive to the airport.

Yesterday at church our sermon was on the importance of learning God's promises to us, so that when the enemy attacks, we can be ready for him. Jesus did this when the devil tempted Him; He said "It is written..." You see, it's truth.... God's truth. And even the enemy backs down because he cannot argue the truth, he can only twist it and try to deceive.
Our pastor says, and this was certainly true today, that a time will come when you don't have time to grab your Bible; you will need to have these important verses in your memory. You will need them like a weapon. Just as when someone is breaking into your home, you don't have time to go into the garage and get your gun, and find the bullets to load it. No, you will need your gun immediately to fight the enemy.
There are lots of books that have the promises culled for your to learn, but you can also get them from your Bible, as you read and find those that give you strength.
Start today!