Monday, January 10, 2011


It's time to be bold for the Lord. We cannot let fear keep us from doing what we are supposed to be doing. It's a tactic of the enemy - he uses fear, lies, and deception. "For God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind." Let's be bold! We have the truth that will set people free! God cannot lie because He is truth. All goodness is from God and all of the bad is from the enemy. God's word says all good gifts are from God. There may be some things we don't understand, but trust that He always has your best interest in mind. God is a good God. He's not some disinterested pie-in-the-sky waiting to smush you like a gnat. He's interested in even the smallest details of your life, His word says He even knows the number of hairs on your head. He loves you more than anything else. He is your Father, your husband, your lover, your best friend, your master, your king, your healer, your saviour...