Thursday, January 6, 2011


On Sunday, I had a vision in praise and worship. I was at a gate of a horse racetrack and really wanted on the track to get in the race. God said I had to get my mouth under control before I could come in. ("Let no unwholesome word proceed from your mouth, but only such a word as is good for edification according to the need of the moment, so that it will give grace to those who hear." - Ephesians 4:29) At our church, if the Lord gives you a word, we are encouraged to come up and share between songs, but I thought it was just for me.When the pastor's grown son came up to share about 2011, and later his dad (pastor), I realized I should share this vision. His son shared that he had a dream that he was on a HORSE and was going fast, which can be exciting and scary. In his dream, he heeled the horse to go faster, and it reared up and took hauling, super fast - the fear of God. He said God told him that 2011 would be the year of the horse - the power and swiftness of His Spirit. God told him that families would be used to start revivals. That children and family members would come to the Lord. That God would revisit old prayers from the past, and answer them, even from descendants that prayed long ago. That the next revival would come through families. (see Psalms 112.) He had a vision and saw families holding hands and opened them like a GATE. He said that Christians and non-Christians are saying that 2011 will be good - it will be fruitful. He also had another vision that he and his dad were fishing and having a good time, but then a dark, menacing cloud started growing, so his dad grabbed him and took him to a grand house on a hill. It was a spiritual thing, where he knew God was saying that He would protect us. He said in his dream, he and his dad looked down from the hill and saw the people below in panic. He said evangelism will shift. God's children will see rain as a provision, while others will see it as an awful act of God. We are to draw into God's presence. He said in 2010, God told him some things about the next 3 years - that at the end of the 10th month, 10-10-10, we would start getting better, and 2011 would be a fruitful year, and 2012 would be a year of choice. He said he heard that prophets would not be prophets of rebuke but of encouragement. That we've been spiritually sleeping but will wake up. That we are to prepare.

Then our pastor came up to talk, and had not heard before hand what his son would share.
He said there would be a shift to prosperity, spiritually speaking, and God would provide every thing we need for His ministry. That the Lord would pour an increase of prophetic on His children. That He would bring in a greater wave, and anointing will flow. We must hear God; He wants to use us and let us be His mouthpiece. Wherever we set the soles of our feet, declare it for the Kingdom of God.