Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The Big Bang Theory

Really?? You REALLY think the universe just exploded into being without an intelligent design by a higher being? That takes more faith than believing there is a God who created it all...

Some people just don't want to believe in God because then they feel convicted about their lifestyle. And then they would have to change if that were true. How can you look at the beauty of the earth and not see the hand of God? How can you look at the human body and how wonderfully it is made and not see intelligent design? The power of the ocean, storms and hurricanes? A new born baby? The earth's design with gravity holding us down? How can you look at the sky and not see that it is God's canvas each day, like a chalkboard with a gorgeous chalk drawing? How can you look at all the stars at night and try to fathom the size of the universe, and not see God?
For all those out there who call themselves Athiests or Agnostics, I say they are either mad at God because they don't understand Him, or it is too much to fathom, so they decide not to think about any of it.
Either way, one day we will all die. We WILL meet our Maker. Will they shake their finger in God's face and say, "I don't believe in you!"
The Bible says one day, "EVERY knee shall bow and every tongue confess that He is Lord."
Do it now before it's too late...