I suppose this is a hard concept to understand if you're not a Christian. Jesus died on the cross and 3 days later was resurrected. He BEAT death!! He ascended into heaven and sent His comforter, the Holy Spirit, to help us. To LIVE in us. Yes, if we accept Him and allow Him, He will actually live in us.
He's not some pie in the sky. He's your loving father. He's your best friend.
He's not dead; He's ALIVE!!
I can't think of a better way to demonstrate God's love on this Easter day, than this video. Here is an example of Jesus' love when He gets inside of your heart. You want to help people because you love them.
Last night this college basketball player got a career-ending injury. Watch as his coach shows him the most precious love. He dropped his pride, and in front of millions helped this young man...
Our world needs this kind of love... Have a blessed Easter
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