Saturday, July 31, 2010

Are you looking forward to heaven?

Or does the thought of it scare you a little... The more you get to know God, the more you will look forward to it. And the more you know Him, the more you will trust Him... with everything, but especially with eternity. Actually, my fear of death as a child is what lead me to Him. Death is so final. Starting at a young age, I watched loved ones, one by one, march into their graves, never to be seen again. This terrified me. I had anxiety attacks as a child, as I didn't understand. My favorite relative, my great-grandmother died suddenly, and was plucked from my life. I just didn't understand.

I started my quest for understanding in my teen years. I studied all of the religions. And my dear, sweet mother, kept telling me that Jesus loves me so much. I didn't know Him then, but after my father's stroke that nearly killed him, I sought a Christian lady that was holding a Bible study in my college dorm. She explained if I gave everything over to Jesus, and let Him take the wheel, then I would have peace now, and someday would be with Him in heaven, as He promised. I had to think about it overnight. I knew that my life would change. Ultimately I didn't think it could get any worse. The next morning I got on my knees, and asked Jesus to take over. I couldn't do it any more. I was flooded with relief. I was flooded with peace. I knew it was real. I could feel Jesus.
The more I get to know Him, the more I love Him. And, although I still have work to do in my life for Him, I am looking forward to spending eternity with Him and all my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. Invite Him in. You will never regret it...
No Jesus, No peace.
Know Jesus, Know peace.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Jesus is Alive!!

When it all looks like it's crumbling around you, just remember to look up. Jesus is alive! He's with you every step of the way. He loves you more than anyone on this planet. Sometimes that's the hardest thing to believe. He IS love. He's not some pie-in-the-sky waiting to crush you like a gnat, He is your loving Father, your best friend, your comforter, your protector, your love...

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Living on borrowed time

This past Sunday during praise and worship, the Lord revealed to me that I am on borrowed time. It gives me such perspective when things get tough like they have been lately... As a toddler, I had my stomach pumped three times (rat poison, roach poison, and a bottle of baby aspirin.) As a teen, I was in Mexico with several families and went swimming in big thunderstorm, not knowing it was a tropical storm. The undertow sucked us out far, and the waves got 3 stories high, and I fought it for over an hour but lost all strength. I remember thinking it wouldn't be a bad death... Then an arm grabbed around my collarbone and a younger guy friend was somehow getting me to shore. Another guy in the surf died a little bit later. And last year, my vehicle was spinning on the interstate in heavy rain, and just as it was about to go in the oncoming lane with an 18 wheeler coming, we miraculously stopped. Yes, borrowed time for sure. There's no telling how many other close calls that I don't even know about. Once we give our lives to Jesus, our old lives are gone. We are crucified with Him, and then our lives are His. 

Rest assured, you can trust that your new life in Christ is a life of adventure, yet you have eternal peace. The best of both worlds. 

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Still Healing

God still heals. He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. The gifts of the Holy Spirit did NOT stop with His apostles. God still heals...

"Salvation" in Greek was, not only for the spirit, but also the mind and body. TOTAL healing. So the entire body lines up with the word of God and His plan. 
When Jesus was here, He went around healing people. After He ascended to heaven, His disciples AND OTHERS healed people in Jesus' name. By HIS power. By HIS authority.
"By the stripes of Jesus, we WERE healed."
"They shall lay hands on the sick and they SHALL recover."

Stand on His Word. His promises. They are truth. Thank Him in advance. It's already done.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


When the final trumpet sounds, and most believers think that's soon, then God's children will be taken up to heaven. I think He's really excited about that. Because He gave humans free will. So the ones that chose Him will be rewarded FOREVER. We always look at it through our eyes but I imagine God is excited too. He could've made us puppets, but then that wouldn't be the same. Even with the angels, they had a choice, and one third of them left Him.
He gives all created beings a choice. There's that word we hear all the time. Like, a woman's 'choice' to kill her baby or not. I believe life is a long series of choices, and my recommedation is, when you get to the fork in the road, take the high road. Do the right thing. It may not be the most popular thing, and probably will not be the most popular thing in this world. Because satan tries to make sin look real cool. He lies and deceives you, and lures you. He tempts teens with drugs, and says, "C'mon, just this one time. It'll make you feel good... or make you popular... or whatever."
Someday your good choices will pay off. You might not see your reward until you meet your Maker. But eternity is forever, and this life? Just a grain of sand on the beach of eternity. It will be worth it someday. And when that day comes? God will wrap His arms around you and say, "Welcome home!"

Monday, July 26, 2010


A lady at church yesterday had a vision during our praise and worship and came up front to share it. In it she saw words spinning around the people in the church. They were words from the Bible protecting those of us in the church. God told her as long as we are reading the Word, we are protected. When we stop reading the Word, the words stop spinning around us, and the protection stops.
Pastor gave a word to my youngest daughter - that he saw her on wings of an eagle about to go higher. My daughter said she had a dream like that many years ago, and still has the dream today. It's written in the front of her Bible.
God's presence was so strong in church yesterday. If you've never felt what that feels like, visit a Spirit-filled church that preaches the entire Bible - nothing more and nothing less. Where truth is preached through God's word and the gifts of the Spirit flow, God will meet you there.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

"Be holy as I am holy..."

God calls His children to be set apart, to be holy. One verse says we are His "peculiar" people. The first impression we make is our exterior, and God's word says we are to be modest, as women and men. If a woman is dressed provocatively, then what message is that sending? I'm sure it's not that she is burdened for this person's problems. (And it's distracting as well.)

As Christians, we are called to spread the good news, the great news, that Jesus not only died on the cross so that we can accept His gift of salvation, but also that we can have His kingdom living on this earth until then. This means wonderful peace and deliverance from all the chains that hold us down when we are not living for Him. It's our purpose here on earth, in whatever manner of life we live. And when we exude His love, His countenance, His kindness, and His holiness, then others will want what we have by example. And watch what you feed your eyes, ears and mind.
Be holy as He is holy.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Jesus IS God

Yes, Jesus is the son of God but He also IS God. There is only one God.

Sometimes when people hear about Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, they get confused that Christianity has 3 Gods but no. It is confusing to the human mind, but it is like water - with liquid water, frozen water (ice), and steam (air molecules in mist form.)
If you look in Genesis about when God created the world, He says "we." Yet, He is one God. He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. When Jesus came to the earth, He said when He left that the Father would send the 'Comforter,' the Holy Spirit. But the Holy Spirit couldn't be here when Jesus was here.
When you look at religions, if they think Jesus was just a prophet but not God, then it is blasphemy. It is completely wrong. God sent a part of Himself to rectify sinful man, and take our punishment. Only He Himself could do that. When man sinned it changed God's plan. After Adam and Eve sinned, everyone born thereafter had a sinful nature. So God sent His Son to die on the cross and take our punishment. And when we accept His gift of salvation, we get back in right-standing with God. And He sends the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, to live in us.

Thursday, July 22, 2010


Hmmm... it sounds easy, but for me, it's the hardest thing to do. The Bible has lots to say about enduring -- about persevering. And it's the only way we will make heaven, is to persevere. Quitting is easy. People do it all the time... My father committed suicide. He gave up. He quit. He didn't persevere... It's hard. It's real hard. Because, I believe, life is a test. And if we pass at the end of our allotted time, our reward is eternity with our Father... in heaven.

It's hard to follow my own advice. "Do the right thing and let the chips fall where they may." Always do the right thing. Gosh, that's hard. It goes against the grain. It swims upstream. It's usually not fun or enjoyable. Our pride gets in the way, or we want to take matters into our own hands. But we have to let our Father handle it His way. It doesn't mean we're a wimp. No, it's the opposite. We give it to Him. We trust Him. And it's the right decision.
But nobody ever said it would be easy...

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


When I was in college, there was a bumper sticker that a Christian organization made that said, "I Found It!" This was, of course, intriguing and did make me think, what did they find? I remember watching the girl down the hall, and thinking, I want what she has. She had peace. She had a kindness, a sweetness and an innocense that I did not have.... but wanted. When you ask Jesus to truly take over and come into your heart, He washes you like new. Clean slate. He washes away the sins and the dirtyness, and lets you start over. That's why it's referred to as 'born-again.'

But don't stop there. Ask God to give you the baptism of the Holy Spirit. THAT'S when the life of adventure starts. That's when you will go to church and look forward to it. It won't be rote prayers, but a relationship with the living God, your Father. You'll see the gifts of the Spirit. You'll see healings and hear prophecies and hear words of knowledge. It's very exciting! It's awesome. Every day is a new adventure. God's word says, "These signs shall follow them that believe." These gifts are for you today. Accept Jesus! Then accept His gifts!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Every thought is a seed

Every thought is a seed. When you can really get a hold of that, you will get a hold of some big wisdom. Because every thought is a seed to an action. It's why the Bible says when you get bad thoughts, throw them out! Because bad thoughts will fester if you give them time. You read that men with pornography addictions started out giving in to these thoughts, and then they got worse. The sin gets worse and worse.

On the other hand, if you meditate on God's word and let IT be the seed, then it will sink in your psyche and guide you. His word is truth and He cannot lie. His word will not come back void. It WILL do good.
Thoughts are seeds that turn into actions. If you can dream it, you can do it. You hear that said by Christians and non-Christians alike, because it is TRUTH. When your mind visualizes it, then it starts to happen in the spiritual world. It's a seed.
Think about it.

Friday, July 16, 2010


My thought for today is that sometimes, as a born-again Christian, it's easy to think, 'well, the Lord is coming soon, so I'm just going to pack my proverbial bags, and sit and wait for Him at the corner.' But that's not what God wants us to do. Yes, He's coming soon, but He tells us in His word to be doing His work until He comes. I was thinking about the future today, and thought, 'why plan? He's coming back very soon.' But I realized that the enemy probably loves that. We need to be heading to heaven, and telling everyone we see, that Jesus saves and wants everyone to make heaven. It's their choice. But they have to agree that they have sinned (because we all do) and they have to repent (determine they won't continue in the sin.)

Yes, time is short but only God knows when He's coming back. Until then, keep fighting the good fight...

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Power to (His) people

God says, as Christians, He gives us the keys to His kingdom. And whatever we bind on earth, shall have been bound in heaven, and whatever we loose on earth, shall have been loosed in heaven. Once you have the baptism of the Holy Spirit, and He is living inside you, then you will have the power (His power) to bind and loose. You then have the power to cast out demons. Jesus went up to heaven and sent the Holy Spirit to live in us, so that we are His vessels, His hands. He uses us to do His work - Jesus with skin.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Praise Him

When the going gets tough, praise Him.

When you go to Him in prayer, start with praising Him (the devil flees when you do.)
When you want results, start praising Him in advance. Nothing shows God more of your faith, than when you start praising Him before you see the actual results.
When you worship, praise Him.
God loves it when you praise Him. Lift Him up. Thank Him. Honor Him. Glorify Him.
Just remember, if you don't know where to start:

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The big question

God wants a personal relationship with us. He wants us to hang out with Him. Not just asking Him for things, just hanging out. It's like with our friends. We want them to want to be with us because they like us, not just to use us. We want to feel like they actually care and enjoy our time together. It's the same with God. He wants to know that you enjoy the time with Him. It always ends up being the time factor. Where do you spend your time?

Monday, July 12, 2010

Why do you think it's called a 'Fast'

I think I'm going to do a fast. It's time. It's past time. Jesus said, "when we fast" (not if.) There are fasts all through the Bible, when you want to cut straight to the Father. Somehow God listens when we fast, I don't make the rules, that's just the way He set it up. Things just happen quicker. And you can hear Him better. When we fast, somehow the distractions don't distract as much.

A few years ago, we had a missionary come to our church who had been on a plane. He sat next to a man with a pastor-looking collar, and when he asked the man what church he was associated with, the man answered, "the church of satan." (And he wasn't joking.) This man said he had just been to a conference where they fasted to break up Christian marriages. (This still gives me chills.) But I realized, that the enemy and his people are willing to go to great lengths to get what they want, even fasting.
If we care for people as Christians, then we should fast too. It's not fun or enjoyable, but the end result is very satisfying. All of the Christians I know - ALL of them, believe we are in the end times. There isn't much time left. For me, it's time to fast.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Today's words from the Lord

Today at church, several people gave a word to us from what the Lord was telling them, and they all seemed to confirm each other. The first young man said that we were about to step into breakthrough for the Lord, and that things we have been wanting to do for the Lord are about to happen. Next, the pastor gave several personal words to a few in church, which are always so incredible to hear. He confirmed that the Lord had been speaking to him about similar things that the first man said.

He said that God just wants to catch our glance so that we can spend time together. He said it was like the first time he saw his (bride-to-be) across a room, and was trying to get her attention thinking that if he did, he would like to catch her. Then, another young man said that he had seen us moving at a snail's pace but we were about to do God things much, much quicker. He envisioned it to be like the bullet trains in Japan.
As the first gentleman closed the service, he reminded us of what Bob Jones' vision had showed him. That 98% of the world's population are in the wrong line headed to hell, and that only 2% of people are in the right line headed to heaven. Each of us is very important. Some don't heed the call because they are in condemnation over personal sin. God has forgiven you. Forgive yourself and accept the call to tell all that Jesus loves them, and took their punishment so they don't have to spend eternity in hell. It's their choice.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

You reap what you sow

Such a simple bit of truth, but if you really get a hold of it, it permeates into our entire lives. This verse is graphic. Imagine a garden. If you plant corn, you will reap corn, not okra.

It's part of God's righteousness, His justice. Every action has a reaction. There are consequences of our daily choices. What you give is what you get.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Just ask

God is a personal God; He cares about the little things in your life. His word says He even knows the number of hairs on your head. His word says, "You do not have because you do not ask." Sometimes you'll hear people say that they don't want to bother God with the small stuff, but life is a whole lot of small stuff. That's why it says He is our FATHER. Yes, He is also our teacher, friend, master but the Father title makes it extremely personal. Someone who lives with you. Someone related to you. Family. Family cares more. Family has unconditional love. Family is there for you. Family won't let you down. Yes, all people let us down at some point but God will never let us down. Sometimes it's hard to believe that God loves us so much that He gives us these personal gifts that you know only He could have known about. It makes us feel so special. And loved. Recently God gave me a vision, that has now been confirmed by two nationally known prophets. This made me feel so special, that He decided to reveal it to me too. And He will do this for you. Just ask.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Recent prophecy for the Gulf

Please read and the following prophecy will come alive...

God's Word on the Gulf Coast Crisis


Chuck D. PierceThe Lord longs for His glory to cover the earth like the waters cover the sea (see Hab. 2:14). The sea of the Gulf of Mexico is now filled with a gunk that represents uncapped resources that are now coming onto our shores. What has opened up is a spewing power that the enemy is accelerating with pressure—a well that can't be capped by natural means. This has become a supernatural situation. Instead of [our being able to bring] forth the resources of the earth in an efficient way for the benefit of mankind, we are seeing these resources not only out of control but also unrefined and poisonous to the ecology.

Lord Sabaoth must come to our aid. The Captain of the Hosts must help. We must invite the angelic hosts to come, and they must feel welcomed along the coast!

There is something peculiar in the seas that has yet to be uncovered in this situation. There will be a greater explosion to heal this explosion. There has to be something that creates a ripple and a move in the water deeper than anything we have ever seen. Some way or another the move in the water in the Gulf has to cause that which is defiled in that whole area to come out. We have to get into a move deeper than we know.

God says, "I am capable of moving in the waters deeper than you've seen Me move. But you're going to have to be willing to ride the wave when it comes." There is a move of God coming that is so deep, the waters are going to move so deep, it is going to create such an action that we will have to ride the waves in this coming year. I am announcing this. This is an announcement. We will have to learn to ride some unusual waves for the year ahead!

There are some occult spirits along the Gulf that the Lord is ready to move. I speak to Texas. I speak to Louisiana. I speak to Mississippi. I speak to Alabama. I speak to Florida.

The Lord says, "Get ready. You are being delivered from an occult operation by My supernatural power that is coming in some very unusual ways! I am going to cleanse that area of divination. It is going to come through the power of My display. I'm going to do this supernaturally. You've tried to do it with your brain, but I'm going to do it supernaturally. You've tried to move one way in your thinking process.

"Watch Me go deep and push it out. I am going to start a move, and watch Me do unusual things in the Gulf Coast. I am going to go deep. I'm going to create swells. I'm going to bring in waves. I'm going to dispel things. Things are going to be thrown on land for you to wrap up and get out of the place.

"This is a beginning, and this next year get ready to ride the waves for I will be moving people around. I will be changing locations. You get ready to ride the wave for I am going to push out that spiritual force that has held you captive and defiled the move of My Spirit. You are going to be released in a whole new way to hear Me and to move with Me and to prosper in a way you've not prospered."

This is a warning from the Lord. He says, "I can turn the Gulf upside down as I turn ponds upside down and bring the bottom to the top! I am getting ready to bring the bottom to the top. Be creative. Know that I can give you understanding on businesses. Know that I can tell you what to do. Things will be coming from the top to the bottom. Get ready because you haven't seen anything like you're about to see. Bottoms up!"

Thank You, Lord, that there will be a new glory coming from the seas onto the land of America. "There will be a new glory of heaven coming out into the seas. I will send the glory down, and it will push out the bottom to the top. I will bring the top down and give My people first shot to create the new."

About the author: Chuck D. Pierce is the president of Glory of Zion International Ministries in Denton, Texas ( He is known for his accurate prophetic gifting and has been used by God to mobilize prayer throughout the world. Pierce is also the author of many books, including his two most recent, Interpreting the Times and Redeeming the Time (both Charisma House). For more information about his ministry or to purchase resources, go to his Web site. The material in this e-newsletter is adapted from a message titledBottoms Up! that was distributed June 25 by Glory of Zion and is used by permission.

Read more:

Monday, July 5, 2010

Previous prophecy about the Gulf Oil Spill

Prophetic Experience of a "Manhole"

Further below I will share a transcript of the full message as I preached it in 2008. However, there are two quick points I would like to highlight. In this experience I saw what appeared as a "manhole" being lifted from the bowels of the earth. In various times of sharing this message throughout the last three years I have used the expression "manhole" as the best description of the image I saw being opened over the "bowels of the earth" or the "bowels of Hell." (I used both expressions in various accounts of sharing the experience.)

Paul Keith Davis

When I finally began to understand the implications of this experience with the oil spill, the Lord reminded me that this is a "man-made hole" that has opened the bowels of the earth to this deep reservoir of oil. The footage shown on news networks of the oil billowing up into the Gulf are almost identical to the images I saw as the manhole was lifted and clouds of evil began to pour out. In my experience the lid or manhole looked like this image featured here.

As a further confirmation, there was an article published in Petroleum World magazine entitled, "The Well from Hell." In the article the author made this statement:

According to the New York Times, BP's internal "documents show that in March, after several weeks of problems on the rig, BP was struggling with a loss of 'well control.' And as far back as 11 months ago, it was concerned about the well casing and the blowout preventer." The problem is that this methane, located deep in the bowels of the earth, is under tremendous pressure...

This article utilized some of the exact language that I used while describing my experience. Furthermore, while in Connecticut in early June we were discussing the oil situation and one of our hosts commented that he had listened to me share my prophetic experience concerning the lid being lifted over the bowels of the earth. He reminded me that I saw spirits ascending that had the appearance of Hitler and other tyrants of the past. He pointed out that Hitler was born on April 20 and this event started onApril 20. Just in recent days we have seen an escalation in anti-Israel sentiment that is demonically inspired.

This seemed to be a further affirmation of the application of the experience. The Bible predicted that during the last days darkness would cover the Earth and deep darkness the people; but also marked the exact time that God's people would "arise and shine for our light has come" (see Isaiah 60:1-5.)

The Oil Spill

From my perspective, I feel this is not an act of God but the foolishness and greed of mankind that the enemy has influenced and fueled as the "devourer." Even so, God will use this as a signpost that we have crossed a line of demarcation in end-of-the-age events.

The good news is, I heard a Voice say in my 2006 experiencethat great hosts of Heaven will be dispatched to work with Christians to prepare and equip them to walk in realms of glory to facilitate the harvest and become the mature sons of the Kingdom. That is our hope and the object of our prayerful focus and determination.

When evil abounds, grace will much more abound. This is not a time for fear but faith-filled decrees and proclamations in agreement with God to activate His people to meet the challenges of this age and overcome the enemy's attempt to hinder and impede the harvest.

The following is a written transcript of a message preached in 2008 in which I share this experience.

Encounter of Lid Being Lifted From Bowels of Hell

December 2006 I had a revelatory encounter that I have shared in various places of travel. But the Lord is beginning to give us the next installment of understanding it. I was very restless one evening and couldn't sleep. I prayed for a while and finally went to bed.

The moment my head hit the pillow, I went into a revelatory experience. I saw, as it were, a lid that looked like a manhole being lifted from the bowels of Hell. The unique thing about this experience was that as I was experiencing it, I was also articulating audibly what I was seeing. Wanda was able to listen as I spoke what I saw. I watched as these spirits came pouring up out of Hell, and I even recognized the appearance of some of them.

I saw spirits that had a resemblance to Hitler and Stalin, and other tyrants of the past; I knew we had crossed some form of timeline in the plan of Heaven, and that this end-time darkness had been released on the earth.

I watched as these spirits were coming out of Hell and literally manifesting themselves in the bedrooms of people. And I watched as these spirits were teaching individuals how to walk in realms of evil and darkness.

When it seemed I couldn't watch anymore, I heard a Voice come booming out of Heaven. And the Voice said, "The sons of light must respond in like manner." I watched as angels were coming out of Heaven and were manifesting themselves in the bedrooms of individuals and speaking to them and training them to walk in Heavenly realms never before so freely accessed by a generation of people.

And the good news of this message and what the Lord is doing now is revealing to a certain degree the nature of these angels being dispatched from the Throne room. Interestingly I had this experience on a Friday afternoon, and I went through the weekend contemplating it. On Monday morning the Holy Spirit told me to write the experience down and e-mail it to Neville Johnson.

It turned out that very day he had exactly the same experience. He even saw the identifications of the same spirits of darkness being released by name. He shared his experience with friends that morning and received my email 12 hours later outlining the exact same experience..."Out of the mouth of two or three witnesses, let the Word be established."

If you'll remember in the experience that Neville and I shared together, there would be angels coming out of Heaven to meet with saints to prepare them for this calling. Now we are discovering these are not just going to be ordinary angels. These are angels of a very extraordinary nature coming from standing in the presence of Almighty God. Isaiah 63:9 declares:

"In all their affliction He was afflicted, and the angel of His presence saved them; in His love and in His mercy He redeemed them, and He lifted them and carried them all the days of old."

The Angel of His Presence saved them! We're finding out that this could have been more accurately translated in the original language, "Messenger of His Face." The word used here for "angel" is most often translated "messenger." The word for "Presence" is most often translated "face." The Lord sent the Messenger of His Face to save them.

So what I'm prophesying to you this evening is, "That messengers of His face are coming from Heaven to empower us to become messengers of His face."

It says in some rabbinical writings that the "Angels of His Presence" are high level angels, also known as the "Angels of His face." According to the Book of Jubilees, "Angels of His Presence" are angels of sanctification and are among the highest order of angels. According to rabbinical tradition, the "Angels of His Presence" are the carriers of His Glory.

There was an incredible promise given to the patriarch Jacob. He had one of the most fantastic experiences ever given to a human being. There was something that distinguished him from his brother Esau; I submit to you it was his un-denying desire, even though his methods were poor, to be blessed with a very specific and unique blessing. A very specific and unique blessing is what he was contending for.

If you'll remember, Abraham had been given a promise that he would have a son through Sarah. However, the promise seemed impossible since the Bible says his body was as good as dead. Then, the Lord appeared to him for the first time in human history as El Shaddai.


I feel confident the circumstances surrounding the oil spill highlight spiritual parallels marking the release of great darkness in our nation and around the world. Correspondingly, the prayers of the saints in agreement with God will facilitate the release of Heaven's host to work closely with the Last Day Church to:

1. Fulfill Biblical End-Time Admonitions
2. Prepare for the Harvest
3. Activate the Bride/Sons of the Kingdom
4. Function in our Role as Priests/Kings
5. Stand in the Gap for Israel in a Greater Way

All spiritual seeds are coming to maturity simultaneously, just as the Bible predicted. I see these events as a signpost in the natural to emulate spiritual realities primarily targeted against Israel and the Church. The ultimate objective is to hinder our ability to achieve our mandate and influence our generation socially, economically, spiritually and culturally.

It is my prayer that God will take what the enemy intends for evil and utilize it for good by opening doors of opportunity for Christian ingenuity and words from God to help resolve this overwhelming situation involving the oil spill.

On a personal note, I believe the enemy is attempting to utilize these events to circumvent the promised outpouring for our region. We must look at it as a personal assault on our inheritance and begin to take a stand as the mighty men of valor described in the Bible. I've always admired the story of Shammah in 2 Samuel 23:11-12 saying:

Now after him was Shammah the son of Agee a Hararite. And the Philistines were gathered into a troop where there was a plot of ground full of lentils, and the people fled from the Philistines. But he took his stand in the midst of the plot, defended it and struck the Philistines; and the LORD brought about a great victory.

At the time of harvest the enemy routinely rushed in like a flood to steal the inheritance of God's people. The lentils could represent all things brought to the place of harvest promised during the latter days. Shammah is a representation of God's Army, filled with courage and valor imparted through God's lion-like nature, who refuses to run even when faced with overwhelming odds. That noble act will strike God's heart and He will give a great victory to His remnant. That is what I am believing for!

Paul Keith Davis
WhiteDove Ministries

Sunday, July 4, 2010


Today at church a lady came forward and told us what had been happening over the last 2 months. Her nephew's wife was pregnant and was told (2 months ago) at 7 months pregnant that the baby did not have a forehead, a brain, or eyes. The Dallas doctors recommended terminating the pregnancy. They got two more opinions from other doctors with the same diagnosis. The couple were going to terminate but my church people starting praying, and they decided to not terminate. My church people prayed and prayed, and the baby was born this week, and IS FINE. I repeat is FINE. God healed this child completely. All glory and honor to Him. Praise His holy name.....

Saturday, July 3, 2010

God Bless America

IF you continue in My word,

THEN you are truly disciples of Mine;
And you will know the truth,
And the truth will make you free.
John 8:32

The United States of America was founded on Judeo-Christian principles and democracy works because the citizens have followed in this faith in God. We must take our country back, back to our roots, so we can continue to be a beacon in this world. And set the captives free.
God gives us free will, and America was founded in freedom - free to do whatever we wish until it infringes on someone else's right to life, liberty or pursuit of happiness.
Our democracy will only work with these principles...
May God bless America.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Garbage in - Garbage out

You are what you eat. (literally) And mentally? You are what you eat. What you feed yourself is what you are. If you feed your mind pornography, then you will have perverse desires. If you read trashy novels, then you will think trashy thoughts. If you read a book about the effective things successful people do, then your mind will gravitate to those things. If you read self-help books, then your mind will start trying to help itself. If you read the tabloids, then you will become disillusioned with your life.... the list goes on and on.

But it is true that if you feed yourself positive information, then you will have hope and conversely if you feed your brain negative information, then you will be depressed and become hopeless. (And I am not only talking about words but also music.)
God's word is very clear on this. Feed His Word to your mind and meditate on it, and it will give you faith. "Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God."

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Laughter is the best medicine

Yes, this is in God's word and is something we all need to do more of. And you can take this literally as well. I recently heard of a woman who was told she had cancer and it was not in the early stages. She rented all of the funny movies she could find and sat in her house for a week watching them, and not listening to any news or phone calls. She went back to the doctor and it was gone. Literally laughter was her medicine. Laughing makes your body give off chemicals that start healing you. On the contrary, stress constricts your blood vessels and zaps your vitamins causing your immune system to fail. It's why God wants us to be content with what we have.

So, go ahead. Get yourself laughing. You'll feel better immediately.