Friday, July 16, 2010


My thought for today is that sometimes, as a born-again Christian, it's easy to think, 'well, the Lord is coming soon, so I'm just going to pack my proverbial bags, and sit and wait for Him at the corner.' But that's not what God wants us to do. Yes, He's coming soon, but He tells us in His word to be doing His work until He comes. I was thinking about the future today, and thought, 'why plan? He's coming back very soon.' But I realized that the enemy probably loves that. We need to be heading to heaven, and telling everyone we see, that Jesus saves and wants everyone to make heaven. It's their choice. But they have to agree that they have sinned (because we all do) and they have to repent (determine they won't continue in the sin.)

Yes, time is short but only God knows when He's coming back. Until then, keep fighting the good fight...