Monday, July 5, 2010

Previous prophecy about the Gulf Oil Spill

Prophetic Experience of a "Manhole"

Further below I will share a transcript of the full message as I preached it in 2008. However, there are two quick points I would like to highlight. In this experience I saw what appeared as a "manhole" being lifted from the bowels of the earth. In various times of sharing this message throughout the last three years I have used the expression "manhole" as the best description of the image I saw being opened over the "bowels of the earth" or the "bowels of Hell." (I used both expressions in various accounts of sharing the experience.)

Paul Keith Davis

When I finally began to understand the implications of this experience with the oil spill, the Lord reminded me that this is a "man-made hole" that has opened the bowels of the earth to this deep reservoir of oil. The footage shown on news networks of the oil billowing up into the Gulf are almost identical to the images I saw as the manhole was lifted and clouds of evil began to pour out. In my experience the lid or manhole looked like this image featured here.

As a further confirmation, there was an article published in Petroleum World magazine entitled, "The Well from Hell." In the article the author made this statement:

According to the New York Times, BP's internal "documents show that in March, after several weeks of problems on the rig, BP was struggling with a loss of 'well control.' And as far back as 11 months ago, it was concerned about the well casing and the blowout preventer." The problem is that this methane, located deep in the bowels of the earth, is under tremendous pressure...

This article utilized some of the exact language that I used while describing my experience. Furthermore, while in Connecticut in early June we were discussing the oil situation and one of our hosts commented that he had listened to me share my prophetic experience concerning the lid being lifted over the bowels of the earth. He reminded me that I saw spirits ascending that had the appearance of Hitler and other tyrants of the past. He pointed out that Hitler was born on April 20 and this event started onApril 20. Just in recent days we have seen an escalation in anti-Israel sentiment that is demonically inspired.

This seemed to be a further affirmation of the application of the experience. The Bible predicted that during the last days darkness would cover the Earth and deep darkness the people; but also marked the exact time that God's people would "arise and shine for our light has come" (see Isaiah 60:1-5.)

The Oil Spill

From my perspective, I feel this is not an act of God but the foolishness and greed of mankind that the enemy has influenced and fueled as the "devourer." Even so, God will use this as a signpost that we have crossed a line of demarcation in end-of-the-age events.

The good news is, I heard a Voice say in my 2006 experiencethat great hosts of Heaven will be dispatched to work with Christians to prepare and equip them to walk in realms of glory to facilitate the harvest and become the mature sons of the Kingdom. That is our hope and the object of our prayerful focus and determination.

When evil abounds, grace will much more abound. This is not a time for fear but faith-filled decrees and proclamations in agreement with God to activate His people to meet the challenges of this age and overcome the enemy's attempt to hinder and impede the harvest.

The following is a written transcript of a message preached in 2008 in which I share this experience.

Encounter of Lid Being Lifted From Bowels of Hell

December 2006 I had a revelatory encounter that I have shared in various places of travel. But the Lord is beginning to give us the next installment of understanding it. I was very restless one evening and couldn't sleep. I prayed for a while and finally went to bed.

The moment my head hit the pillow, I went into a revelatory experience. I saw, as it were, a lid that looked like a manhole being lifted from the bowels of Hell. The unique thing about this experience was that as I was experiencing it, I was also articulating audibly what I was seeing. Wanda was able to listen as I spoke what I saw. I watched as these spirits came pouring up out of Hell, and I even recognized the appearance of some of them.

I saw spirits that had a resemblance to Hitler and Stalin, and other tyrants of the past; I knew we had crossed some form of timeline in the plan of Heaven, and that this end-time darkness had been released on the earth.

I watched as these spirits were coming out of Hell and literally manifesting themselves in the bedrooms of people. And I watched as these spirits were teaching individuals how to walk in realms of evil and darkness.

When it seemed I couldn't watch anymore, I heard a Voice come booming out of Heaven. And the Voice said, "The sons of light must respond in like manner." I watched as angels were coming out of Heaven and were manifesting themselves in the bedrooms of individuals and speaking to them and training them to walk in Heavenly realms never before so freely accessed by a generation of people.

And the good news of this message and what the Lord is doing now is revealing to a certain degree the nature of these angels being dispatched from the Throne room. Interestingly I had this experience on a Friday afternoon, and I went through the weekend contemplating it. On Monday morning the Holy Spirit told me to write the experience down and e-mail it to Neville Johnson.

It turned out that very day he had exactly the same experience. He even saw the identifications of the same spirits of darkness being released by name. He shared his experience with friends that morning and received my email 12 hours later outlining the exact same experience..."Out of the mouth of two or three witnesses, let the Word be established."

If you'll remember in the experience that Neville and I shared together, there would be angels coming out of Heaven to meet with saints to prepare them for this calling. Now we are discovering these are not just going to be ordinary angels. These are angels of a very extraordinary nature coming from standing in the presence of Almighty God. Isaiah 63:9 declares:

"In all their affliction He was afflicted, and the angel of His presence saved them; in His love and in His mercy He redeemed them, and He lifted them and carried them all the days of old."

The Angel of His Presence saved them! We're finding out that this could have been more accurately translated in the original language, "Messenger of His Face." The word used here for "angel" is most often translated "messenger." The word for "Presence" is most often translated "face." The Lord sent the Messenger of His Face to save them.

So what I'm prophesying to you this evening is, "That messengers of His face are coming from Heaven to empower us to become messengers of His face."

It says in some rabbinical writings that the "Angels of His Presence" are high level angels, also known as the "Angels of His face." According to the Book of Jubilees, "Angels of His Presence" are angels of sanctification and are among the highest order of angels. According to rabbinical tradition, the "Angels of His Presence" are the carriers of His Glory.

There was an incredible promise given to the patriarch Jacob. He had one of the most fantastic experiences ever given to a human being. There was something that distinguished him from his brother Esau; I submit to you it was his un-denying desire, even though his methods were poor, to be blessed with a very specific and unique blessing. A very specific and unique blessing is what he was contending for.

If you'll remember, Abraham had been given a promise that he would have a son through Sarah. However, the promise seemed impossible since the Bible says his body was as good as dead. Then, the Lord appeared to him for the first time in human history as El Shaddai.


I feel confident the circumstances surrounding the oil spill highlight spiritual parallels marking the release of great darkness in our nation and around the world. Correspondingly, the prayers of the saints in agreement with God will facilitate the release of Heaven's host to work closely with the Last Day Church to:

1. Fulfill Biblical End-Time Admonitions
2. Prepare for the Harvest
3. Activate the Bride/Sons of the Kingdom
4. Function in our Role as Priests/Kings
5. Stand in the Gap for Israel in a Greater Way

All spiritual seeds are coming to maturity simultaneously, just as the Bible predicted. I see these events as a signpost in the natural to emulate spiritual realities primarily targeted against Israel and the Church. The ultimate objective is to hinder our ability to achieve our mandate and influence our generation socially, economically, spiritually and culturally.

It is my prayer that God will take what the enemy intends for evil and utilize it for good by opening doors of opportunity for Christian ingenuity and words from God to help resolve this overwhelming situation involving the oil spill.

On a personal note, I believe the enemy is attempting to utilize these events to circumvent the promised outpouring for our region. We must look at it as a personal assault on our inheritance and begin to take a stand as the mighty men of valor described in the Bible. I've always admired the story of Shammah in 2 Samuel 23:11-12 saying:

Now after him was Shammah the son of Agee a Hararite. And the Philistines were gathered into a troop where there was a plot of ground full of lentils, and the people fled from the Philistines. But he took his stand in the midst of the plot, defended it and struck the Philistines; and the LORD brought about a great victory.

At the time of harvest the enemy routinely rushed in like a flood to steal the inheritance of God's people. The lentils could represent all things brought to the place of harvest promised during the latter days. Shammah is a representation of God's Army, filled with courage and valor imparted through God's lion-like nature, who refuses to run even when faced with overwhelming odds. That noble act will strike God's heart and He will give a great victory to His remnant. That is what I am believing for!

Paul Keith Davis
WhiteDove Ministries