Saturday, July 24, 2010

"Be holy as I am holy..."

God calls His children to be set apart, to be holy. One verse says we are His "peculiar" people. The first impression we make is our exterior, and God's word says we are to be modest, as women and men. If a woman is dressed provocatively, then what message is that sending? I'm sure it's not that she is burdened for this person's problems. (And it's distracting as well.)

As Christians, we are called to spread the good news, the great news, that Jesus not only died on the cross so that we can accept His gift of salvation, but also that we can have His kingdom living on this earth until then. This means wonderful peace and deliverance from all the chains that hold us down when we are not living for Him. It's our purpose here on earth, in whatever manner of life we live. And when we exude His love, His countenance, His kindness, and His holiness, then others will want what we have by example. And watch what you feed your eyes, ears and mind.
Be holy as He is holy.