Tuesday, August 31, 2010


"I don't know what the future holds, but I know who holds the future."

Rest assured that, although we don't know what is going to happen, God promises to be with us. He says He will never leave or forsake His children. He promises to take care of our needs.
Talk is scary lately. In my lifetime, I have never seen this kind of doomsday talk non-stop. And it's not just in America, it's worldwide. We have become global through communications, satellites, travel, and knowledge. And if you have read the Bible, then you know the warning signs of what things have to take place before Jesus returns for us, His bride.
As believers, we are not supposed to stop and look up. We are supposed to keep telling as many people as we can about Jesus, and that He will save them. And we continue until the final trumpet sounds.
I personally don't know when He will come back. The disciples thought it would be at any moment. I think that's how God wants it to be. It's a surprise and it's whenever He says. It could be right now or it could be awhile, but either way, we're supposed to be ready. "Don't worry about anything, but pray about everything." and "Perfect love casts out ALL fear."
The closer you get to God, the less fear you will have.

Monday, August 30, 2010


In the New Testament, Jesus says, "When you fast..." Notice, it's not, "if you fast." No, there is lots of fasting throughout the Bible. And really, it's one of the ways God communicates with us. You see, when you're fasting, you're giving up either all food, or partial food, but either way, you are sacrificing. And your mind and your spirit are more open to hearing His voice. Some of God's most devout children mention that they never hear God clearer than when fasting.

My church has asked that those of us that will, will be fasting for three days for a four year old in our church. She's had 6 strokes and bleeding to the brain. Doctors say that it is already miraculous that she's walking and talking. She's in and out of the hospital often, and has seen lots of specialists. She has incredible faith for that young of a child, and told the doctor in Dallas last week that she's a princess. He thought she meant a Disney princess, but she corrected him and said no, she's a princess in Jesus' family.
Thank You, Lord, in advance for completely healing this child. We stand on Your Word because Your Word is truth and You cannot lie. "By the stripes of Jesus, we WERE healed." and "They shall lay hands on the sick and they SHALL recover."
Thank You, thank You Lord.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Are you ready?

Walking by faith

God continues to help me through His children. He is so awesome. Walking by faith is very adventurous... God told me last Sunday that He has me right where He wants me; depending on Him, and Him only. He wants to be our provider, our healer, our comforter, our best friend, our father, our lover...

We are the bride that He's coming back for,

Saturday, August 28, 2010


Names are very important to God. They mean something. All throughout the Bible, God would rename His children when they grew with Him. Abram to Abraham, Sarai to Sarah, Saul to Paul, Jacob to Israel. And those are just a few. When you read through the Old Testament, there are lots of names that mark an occasion or a remembrance. Very few mothers casually name their child. Many think of it for years, and of course, in the nine months of pregnancy. The name is something the child has to live with for the rest of their life, so it has got to be great.

My personal desire is that God will adjust my name, too, as a sign that I have grown with Him as well...

Friday, August 27, 2010

Love notes

I've been having a very hard time lately... I know God is with me. He never said it would be easy; He said He would be with us. When you have a relationship with Him, He leaves you little 'love notes.' Years ago, He would always wake me up at 1:47 a.m. and talk to me, probably because life in the daytime is hectic, and it's easier to hear His voice when it's quiet.

Over the past few years, it has changed to little white feathers. I will be walking along, and I'll see one. Or they will be in really obscure places, where it's obvious that only God could put them there. It's always when I really need it, He seems to say, "I'm here, don't give up."
Lately He's teaching me to walk by faith, not by sight. These are hard lessons. I had stopped tithing since things had gotten so bad, but then they only got worse. I started tithing, but things still seemed bad. I reminded Him what He says in His word; that the storehouse will be overflowing. And then, unexpected checks would arrive. They would total up to the exact amount that I had needed. And He is moving upon people to give to me, and it's very humbling. I guess I still had more pride than I thought.
I'm taking it day by day...

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Gates of Hell 1/6


Wednesday, August 25, 2010


My family has been under demonic attack. You see, when you start telling people about Jesus, and how He saves and gives you an abundant life, then the enemy attacks. But, "Greater is He that is in me, than he that is in the world." The enemy cannot read our mind, but he does watch us to see our 'buttons,' and then he pushes them. Remember what I said a few days ago, we must start thanking God before we can see our answer - this activates His response. We have to stay "prayed up" and we have to keep His word in our heads by meditating on His truth. He gave His children promises, and when we know them and say them, we get them deep in our soul. We believe them, and it activates them. "Resist the devil and he will flee from you." Also remember that the enemy will flee when you praise God. Demonic attacks do come, that's why God's word says to 'put on your armor.'

And remember, the battle is not yours but God's.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

For comfort

Psalm 23

1The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.

2He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.

3He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake.

4Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.

5Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.

6Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever.

Miracles of Jesus | Christian Supernatural Miracle Testimony of Sindhuja

Monday, August 23, 2010

satan's face seen in WTC plane crash explosion 9 11 2001

Supernatural Photos Caught on Camera

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Jesus "with skin"

When you become a Christian, a true Christian believer, then Jesus comes to live inside of you. Today at church was extremely moving for me personally, as God blessed me immensely (and unexpectedly.) As His child, He promises in Phillipians 4:19, "For my God shall supply ALL your needs according to His riches in glory, by Christ Jesus." And, unbeknownst to me, God moved upon many of His children in my church to help me in my time of need. I am humbled and honored at God's help, and with His children, who were his hands and feet. You see, God is a spirit, and since He physically isn't here, He lives in other's hearts who have asked Him in their hearts. Thank you, Lord, for Your awesome help, and for moving upon Your children to prompt them to help me. What a blessing.

You are ALWAYS true to Your word. I am forever grateful.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Miracles have not stopped

Residents in the Nigerian village of Karu are seeing an outpouring of healing miracles, with the deaf hearing, lame walking and a man healed of mental illness.

So says Daniel Kolenda, an evangelist with Christ for All Nations, a Florida-based ministry founded by Reinhard Bonnke that has been leading crusades across Africa for more than 30 years.

In an email report about CfaN's Karu crusade this week, Kolenda said a woman who had been crippled by a spinal cord injury rushed onto the platform with her crutches raised over her head. Another woman who had been deaf for 20 years reportedly was able to hear, and a young man who was unable to use the right side of his body for 11 years was miraculously healed.

"During the prayer for the sick, he suddenly felt something come out of his head and realized that he had full and perfect use of his arms and legs," Kolenda reported.

Another man whose family claimed he was mentally ill was brought to the meeting for prayer.

"He was so violent and vicious that he had to be tied up," Kolenda said of the man. "Before the meeting, he was bound, hands and feet, behind the platform, but during the prayer he returned to his senses. They cut the ties and set him free. He was calm and spoke softly to me in his right mind."

The five-day outreach in Karu, located near Abuja, Nigeria, marks the beginning of CfaN's crusade season and. The ministry will host large-scale evangelist meetings primarily in Nigeria almost monthly. Since 2000, CfaN reports that 55 million people have completed cards indicating they made decisions for Christ at crusades led by Bonnke and Kolenda.

Kolenda said roughly 110,000 people attend the first night of the Karu crusade, with the number increasing to 200,000 the second night. In addition to the physical healings, he said hundreds have accepted Christ during the meetings, which end Sunday.

Read more:

Friday, August 20, 2010


Dear Jesus,

I can feel the birth pangs getting closer and closer together. In my spirit I can see the storm clouds forming. I know that the time for Your second coming is very, very close. I have so many loved ones that I pray will be saved, so that, together, we will spend eternity with you. I know You have tarried. Your Word says that Your desire is that ALL will be saved, but You leave that decision to us, You do not force us. I know that all good gifts are from You, Father and that whatever bad that happens in our lives is because the enemy is in charge of this world. You allow things to happen in our lives to bring us closer to You, and Your word says You work all things together for good to those who love You and are called according to Your purpose. Father, as we begin to look up and know that Your coming is nigh, I pray that You will have mercy on us, and that the blindfolds that the enemy puts on, will be ripped off so that everyone can see the truth.
Oh Father, the more I know You, the more I love You.
Have mercy on us, oh Lord....

Thursday, August 19, 2010

One humble man

Without faith it is impossible to please God. Why do you hear of more miracles in uncivilized nations? I think it is because of more faith. A few years ago we had the grown son of an African minister preach at our church here in the States. This man grew up in Africa seeing all of the many huge miracles - even seeing his own mother raised from the dead. When he spoke to us, he was living in Chicago, preaching to Americans. He agreed that we don't see the kind of miracles here than he has witnessed in Africa. Or as another missionary put it, "In Africa, we don't call 9-11, we call Jesus." They don't have the hospital and doctor networks that we have set up here.
My (now retired) pastor said that when he was a young pastor, the churches didn't have a lot of sickness. The pastors also did not have health insurance, relying upon the Lord. He told me the year they all decided to get health insurance, sickness came into his church. People started relying on doctors instead of calling upon the Lord and His promises. "By the stripes of Jesus, we were healed."
This man from Africa was one of the most humble people I have ever met. He had a huge burden for the lost. He would ride the Chicago commuter trains with other Christian men and ask people if they could pray for them. They said almost everyone said yes. They had picked a certain route that was known for violence and security problems. They got to the last car on the train, and finally reached a man that their spirit sensed was evil. They asked if they could pray for him. He replied, no, that this was his train, and he was a satanist, and he was calling upon the devil for death and destruction on this particular route. There is real evil in this world. Thank God we have believers with a burden for the lost to go out and reach them in this very lost world.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

God is still on the throne

With radical Islamists, they believe in 'killing the infidel' (anyone who is not of their faith.) This is the opposite of the Christian faith, who like Jesus, will never force you to do anything. Jesus stands at the door and knocks, but it is up to you to answer or not.
How sad that some Americans think it's okay for muslims to build a mosque at Ground Zero, which is sacred ground where innocent people died because we are the 'infidel.' They want to name the mosque, the "Cordoba Center," which in Islamic symbolic terms means, Islamic rule in the West, not 'coexistence,' which some will tell you.
We pray America will continue to be the Judeo-Christian nation it has always been.
And let the TRUTH be known.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Moses Moment

I need a Moses Moment... you know the story - Moses had 'convinced' the pharoah to "let my people go," to free the Jews from slavery after the plagues. They were all heading out, when the Pharoah decided to go after them to kill them and/or bring them back. As they neared the (deep) Red Sea, they were extremely upset with Moses, as they had just been freed, and now were being pursued relentlessly by Pharoah and his army. Moses had faith, and told them to stand and see the salvation of the Lord. He didn't know HOW God was going to do it, but Moses knew that He would take care of them. Then God told Him what to do, so Moses lifted his staff and stretched out his hand to part the deep sea on both sides, for them to go through. (And when Pharoah and gang went in, the water cut loose and they all drowned.)

The point is, the people didn't know that the Red Sea was going to part. They thought their lives were over, even after all they had been through. But a miracle happened. It was SUPERnatural. Not natural. Against this earth's laws. Above the laws. And it was a big miracle.
I have a friend who had a big Moses moment a few years ago. She had turned her back on God for many years. But she had wanted another child and had prayed relentlessly for one. Just as she had given up and broke up with the man that was no good for her, she learned she was pregnant. She had just quit her job and had no insurance. Her older children were in high school and were furious and embarressed. Her parents were so angry, they changed their locks on their home. Most of her friends wanted no part of it. And the father? Well, he wanted none of it either. It was summer, and her older children were at their dad's house. Here she was, with no job, no insurance, no one would speak to her, and no options. She needed a Moses moment. Bad. She confessed her sins, and repented. She prayed and prayed and prayed. (She secretly stayed in a cabin in the country.) She started sending resumes, but no one would answer. Finally, she interviewed with a company, and they hired her. Not only was it a good salary, but excellent insurance with no pre-existing conditions (very rare) so her pregnancy was covered. She got a company car, company cell phone, company laptop and company credit card. And when the baby was born, she got short term disability for 8 weeks off and got big bonuses to get her through. God was beyond faithful. He was her Father, her real Father. This is such a perfect example of how awesome God is. What a great Moses moment.
And, it's when you least expect it and you cannot see it coming.
I am in need of a Moses moment currently.... I'm going to keep thanking Him in advance.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Thank Him in advance

What is faith? The Bible says it's impossible to please God without faith. It is believing it without seeing it. It is taking God at His word. It is thanking Him in advance before you can see it; before you have it. It is trusting that He's telling the truth. If you don't take God at His word, you are implying He's a liar. That's not faith.
But when you thank Him in advance, you ACTIVATE the promise. It's like putting the fizzie in the water. You have to put it in the water to activate it. You have to thank Him in advance and it will activate the gift.
He gave us promises in His word, and His word is truth and He cannot lie.
Stand on His promises.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Take His name

Here is a clip of my pastor's son's wedding last month. Weddings are important to God - Jesus' first miracle was at a wedding.
I believe that God created marriage as the special love between a man and a woman to show us a foretaste of heaven, since we (His church) are called His bride and Jesus is coming back for us (His second coming.) As His bride, we take His name - the name of Jesus. In the New Testament, when the disciples asked Jesus who he was, he answered, "I am," just as God said in the Old Testament. God is not limited to one thing, He says "I am" meaning His is everything. God IS love - He wrote the book on love. He loved us enough to send His Son to die on the cross and take our punishment for us. He loves our company - He enjoys us. He loves having a relationship with us, a future marriage with us.
Take His name...

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Who's your Daddy?

It's Saturday night, and I don't know about the rest of the world, but in America, the enemy attacks the hardest on this night. He will lie, cheat, deceive and steal to get his way, but he will attack in whatever way he thinks will work. He will tell the twentysomethings they are losers if they aren't going out to party. He will tell the singles with no significant other, that they are losers without a companion. He will whisper to the older generation that life isn't worth living anymore. He will be at the clubs, telling his prey to go home with someone they don't know. He will tell those that are drinking, that they are fine to drive.

Step under God's umbrella of protection. He will protect you if you are one of His children. Don't let the father of lies be your leader, call upon God the Father, and break out of the bondage that the enemy uses.
Take that step.

Friday, August 13, 2010


More thoughts on the vision Bob Jones had - that 2% of the world's people were in line for heaven and the rest were in line for hell...

I've been thinking about this a lot. Were you in the top 2% of your high school class? I wasn't. The top 2% were the most disciplined. They were the ones who really wanted it. It took real dedication for those in the top 2%. God's word says the road to heaven is narrow.
It's something to think about...

Thursday, August 12, 2010

For some the angels come

When my youngest child was a baby, I needed a babysitter since I would be away for several days on a business trip. She was a wonderful African American woman, a devout Christian, who's day job was an RN for a hospice. She had been with my step grandmother when she died, and she had been with some of my mother's friends when they passed. This woman worked daily on the threshold of life and death. She sat with people until they passed on to the next life. I shall never forget her words, "I can always tell which ones the angels come for..." after I had asked her what it was like when people died. She said, when they were strong believers in Christ, they always went peacefully. They saw people from heaven visit them in the weeks before they passed. This comforted me, because my mother saw her father when she was dying from cancer a few weeks before she died. She was not on pain medication, and was very straight in her head. I also remember when her best friend died of cancer. She kept having a dream of her loved ones who were all behind a fence, but it was only a few of her loved ones, not all. I have a current friend who's mother is in ill health, and she saw her (dead) husband open a car door, and inside were many of her relatives. She keeps saying it's almost her time. I loved my step grandmother, but she could not forgive a grown son for something. She had written him out of her will, and had not spoken to him for 10 years. The hospice lady said in her very last moment she sat up and shouted his name, and then passed. It was not peaceful.

The Bible says that the Lord will send His angels to accompany His children when they pass, to take them to His presence.
I hope you're one of those souls.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Name in vain

One of the Ten Commandments is to not take the Lord's name in vain.

"You shall not make wrongful use of the name of the Lord your God, for the Lord will not acquit anyone who misuses His name."
Most people think that this means to not say 'cuss' words or phrases, but it actually means more.
When you say the Lord's name, it should always be with reverence.
If you say His name flippantly, it is disrespectful of the Almighty God.
In the Old Testament, the jews were so fearful of breaking this commandment, that they would leave the vowel out of His name. (Orthodox jews still do.) "YHVH" - the unutterable name of the God of Israel. His real name is not to be vocalized.
This is a far cry from these days, when people are not only cussing, but interjecting things like, OMFG or Jesus (Blanking) Christ.
People had better think about what they say because God does. Words mean things to God. He created the universe by speaking it into existence.
Watch your mouth.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Beware of wolves in sheep's clothing... There are lots of CINO's out there (Christians In Name Only.) God is very clear in the Bible, that it's not your words but your actions that He is watching. In a nation like America, there are lots of people who say they are a Christian but then there is absolutely no evidence by what they do. "Faith without works is dead." When you choose a Christian church, find one that believes the entire Bible - nothing more and nothing less. Churches that leave out the Holy Spirit have no power and the gifts of the Holy Spirit don't move. They become dead and lifeless, leaving you wanting more. When they have the Holy Spirit gifts moving, it is adventurous and you see how it was 2,000 years ago, and still can be today.

Monday, August 9, 2010


If you don't know much about spiritual things, then you might have lots of fear. People these days watch movies like "Paranormal Activity" and they become very fearful, thinking that the devil is as powerful as God. That's a lie from the devil himself. God MADE Lucifer, and he rebelled and left heaven. He works with lies and deception. It's all smoke and mirrors. God made EVERYTHING and is THE creator of all. He's allowing satan to rule the earth for now, but not forever. Someday he will be thrown into the lake of fire. Yes, he has power but God is more powerful. Once you ask Jesus into your heart, the devil cannot possess you. He may try oppressing you, but God gives you the power over that too. With God's power, you can command the demons to leave and they have to flee in the name of Jesus.

"Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world."

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Just like He said

Awesome time in the Lord this morning. It's so awesome that the praise and worship team prays and God gives them the songs to sing, and they are always perfect for the word that God has given to the pastor to preach on.

I spoke with a 20 year old young man, who told me how tired he was since he couldn't sleep. I asked why, and he answered he was very burdened for his unsaved friends. Then, as others came forward between songs, the words that people were hearing are that God is pouring out a burden for the lost because time is very, very short.
Then we had a young man, and also a woman that are both on fire for God come forward to speak. They just returned this morning from an event with 20,000 young people at a Christian rock concert. They had the privilege of being able to pray for so many young people - and they saw healings and so many who were saved. God is definitely pouring out His Spirit here at the end times, just as His word says.

Friday, August 6, 2010

God = Love

Love. It's what we're all looking for in one way or another. In the Greek language, there were 3 kinds of love, friendship (phileo), romantic (eros) and unconditional (agape) mentioned in God's word. Agape is God's love - unconditional. It's what we seek the most, of course. No one wants conditions on why they are loved. I've heard that you like someone because of their strengths, but you love them in spite of their weaknesses.

People will let you down because they are human. Only God is the one who will not let you down. He will always be there for you. He will be your comforter and your best and closest friend, if you let Him. We all want lots of friends, we want that one special lover, and we want to know that we are loved unconditionally - often through our families, often through our pets, but ultimately from God.
Without love, this world is not worth living. Ask Jesus in your heart today to experience the living God who IS love.

Thursday, August 5, 2010


"What Would Jesus Do?" It used to be on bracelets to remind us to try to do what we think Jesus would've done... Now that immigration is coming to the forefront, we need to ask ourselves, WWJD? We need to be compassionate. We need to be just. We need to punish lawbreakers. We know that many come over from Mexico starving, looking for work so they can feed their families. And we know that there is a faction that are coming in to America with wrong motives, to bring drugs, or to harm Americans from their religious beliefs. There are no easy answers... We need to vote in men and women to represent our beliefs. People of good character, people who are compassionate, and people with our same faith. We need to foresee the consequences of our decisions. If we allow amnesty, then our country will collapse, and then no one wins. If we allow amnesty, then we will have erased our borders, and we allow the mayhem and anarchy that is taking over Mexico, into our country. We need to be tough. Tough love. For the good of all.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Are you popular?

I am reminded again of a dream that the prophet Bob Jones had... it was that 2% of the people on this planet were in the line for heaven and the other 98% were in the line to hell...

This is very sobering. Just because everybody else is doing it, thinking it, saying it, doesn't mean it's okay. We are only supposed to please God but so many are trying to please man. Throughout our lives, there is always a quest to be popular, to be liked, to fit in. It is so tempting to just give in and not swim upstream. But, in doing so, we end up looking like the world, acting like the world, and being like the world. Jesus said the world will hate us if we are His children. His word says to be holy as He is holy. We are to be 'set apart.'

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Prophecy for this time

There Is a Rumbling in the Earth!


Barbara J. YoderI found this word in my file recently. I received it in July 2005. It was a very strange experience at the time because it came while I was in the midst of a panel discussion dealing with leaders. I was sitting behind a table on the platform at our church during a women's conference where about 500 women were present.

Suddenly, it felt like we were having an earthquake. I could feel a distinct rumbling under my chair, as if all the earth under me were shaking. I not only felt it, I heard it. Everything was shaking—everything.

As I was re-reading this word recently, I heard the Lord say that it is for now. I did not send it out when I first received it. I held on to it.

I believe this word will help guide you, help create understanding in you about the times and seasons we are in, and give you the key to the door of deliverance.

Here is the word:

There is a rumbling in the earth. God is rumbling you out of mindsets, positions, identity, locations, relationships, bondages, fears. I was sitting here, and I could hear it. I could hear this constant ongoing and seemingly unending rumbling of rocks under us, and it was shaking everything. It was as if we were standing on rocks, round rocks, and they were all moving and rumbling. And they just kept rumbling. We could hardly maintain our footing.

What I want to say is that there is a rumbling in the earth. God has placed you on unsure footing because He is changing your mind. He is repositioning your feet to place you where He has been developing you to stand—not necessarily geographically, but within the place that you are assigned. He is shifting your anointing, He is increasing your strength and courage, and even now there is a shaking off of the old. There will be no old left.

Fear not the instability under your feet, for it will shake, and then it will shake and the shaking will not stop—for the Lord is creating a scenario for massive change, for the church will not look as it has in the past. So look not to the past, but stand in the present and look to the future. For the unsteadiness, the insecurity, the instability and the failure to be able to fully define is of God; because He wants you to let go of how you have known things to be, even how you view things, and He wants you to look to Him and to leaders that God has given to you, to reposition you for the new thing.

Fear not the unsteadiness under your feet and also do not try to define it prematurely. As you wait upon the Lord, He will bring the clarity and the definition. But even the instability and unsteadiness has been created by Him.

There is a rumbling that has already started in the heavens. But the Lord would declare to you that the rumbling is also now on earth under the feet of leaders, for He is calling us out of the old, out of the past, out of that which would trap us in nonproductivity and irrelevancy, to reposition us for the future. And we will not only look spiritually different, we will not look the same physically—the way we have in the past—for we have entered a season of massive change.

"Fear not the rumbling, for I will shake you out of the systems and paradigms that have held the church captive and I will cause you to be poured out in a whole new way to the world. I am shaking the church and I am shaking the world. The rumbling will not soon disappear, until it has accomplished its full work to shake the church and to shake the world. For I will have a meeting place with My people, and what is left when the rumbling is done will be a people who release the kingdom of God on earth. And the church will be poured out into the world." (See Hebrews 12.)

As I was pondering this word, the Spirit of God fell on me and I wrote the rest of this on July 23, 2010.

"I am delivering you out of Babylon and I am delivering Babylon out of you. For I will have a people in this hour who like Daniel stood within Babylon, but Babylon was not in him. At times fear will grip you like a vise and you will wonder if you can withstand the fear. It will feel like terror will overtake you.

"But I say to you it is part of the shaking, I am shaking you out of Babylon and shaking Babylon out of you so that you can stand in the midst and rule. When your shaking is complete, there will come a delivering mantle on you and you will cause the gates of Babylon to shake and its walls will fall.

"Fear not when Babylon falls around you. There will be much rubble, but I will release you as I released Joseph and Daniel in the midst of trouble and destruction. And I will deliver many who have been captive in Babylon into your hands. They will see and recognize your Deliverer. And they will turn and bow their knee.

"Position yourselves, lift up your voices and praise. For like I delivered Jehoshaphat and his people, I will deliver you. Arise, Judah, and begin to sing. Sing like Jehoshaphat's army did before the enemy. 'Praise the Lord, for His mercy endures forever.' (See 2 Chronicles 20.) The battle will rage. At times you will feel like your mind will fail and your heart will faint. You will be overtaken with unspeakable pain and turmoil. Listen not to the raging of the enemy and tormenting fear within you. Your mind will not fail nor will your heart faint.

"Stand still and see the salvation of the Lord. Position yourselves. Lift up your hands to the Lord and begin to sing, 'Praise the Lord, for His mercy endures forever.' Fear not what you see and feel, for in the midst of the shaking I will create a door of deliverance. Watch for the door. I will open the door of deliverance ("escape"). Strength will overtake you, and you will be transformed—into one who has slipped out of the trap of death laid for you. You will move with one step in front of the enemy, and he will not overtake you. Lift up your hands, lift up your voice, declare the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.

"Keep going, press all the way through, for as you worship I will break out with a 'revival spirit' upon you. When that revival spirit breaks out and spreads it will create great light, and many will run to it. (See Is. 60:1-2.) Don't stop, don't give up. I am on the verge of pouring out a miraculous revival spirit upon you. When that happens, every vice will release, every stronghold will break, every flooded river will part-no obstacle or hindrance—nothing—will be able to deter you or hold you back."

God is here. He is at work and moving greatly behind the scenes. He is about ready to pour out a miraculous revelation of His Son, Jesus—Christ in us, the hope of glory. Don't back up, don't sit down, don't run in panic or fear. Keep going straight ahead. Radically worship your way through this narrow place, for the spirit of revival is about to overtake you. You will know life and freedom as you have never known it before. And you will be delivered into your place when the shaking is done.

About the author: Barbara J. Yoder is the founder and senior pastor of Shekinah Christian Church ( in Ann Arbor, Michigan, and is known for her cutting-edge apostolic and prophetic breakthrough ministry. She travels nationally and internationally ministering in churches, conferences and seminars. Yoder is the author of several books, including Taking on Goliath (Charisma House). To order a copy of the book, click here. This prophetic word also appears on her blog page at

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Monday, August 2, 2010

Power to the People

Everybody these days is looking for power, but they are looking in the wrong area. Harry Potter may teach you spells, but that is the devil's (limited) power. Not to mention, that these folks usually have wrong motives, like revenge, on their minds. And often it's to bring themselves attention, money, and/or glory.

When you give your life to Jesus, and you give it all to Him, then He will take care of all things in your life. If someone has wronged you, you are to forgive them and leave it in God's hands. "Vengeance is mine, saith the Lord."
And once you've given it all over to Jesus, He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and you will speak a new language to Him. And this will give you His power. Power to be in God's army and do His will and His work. That's the difference. It's all about bringing others into His kingdom. Healings. Words of knowledge. It's all to lead others to Christ.
It says in Acts 1, "And gathering them to together, Jesus commanded them not to leave Jerusalem, but to WAIT for what the Father had promised, "Which," He said, "you heard of from Me; for John baptized with water, but you shall be baptized with the Holy Spirit not many days from now."
"But you shall receive POWER when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be my witnesses both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and even to the remotest part of the earth." (And then He ascended into heaven.)
So ask for it. Wait for it. The power is for ALL of God's children.

Sunday, August 1, 2010


What an awesome time in church today. Our praise and worship keeps getting better and better. It really is my favorite part of my entire week. Jesus shows up and His presence is so strong. Did you know the Bible says that the devil flees when we are praising God? He can't stand it so he leaves. Satan was the worship leader before he left God's presence, so music is one of the ways he uses to get people off track.

Have you noticed that the world is becoming more polarized in most things? Hot is getting hotter and cold is getting colder? Sins are getting larger but things of God are getting more powerful. Politics continues to be very conservative versus very liberal. There aren't many moderates left.
It reminds me of the verse in the Bible, where God says to either be hot or be cold, but He will spit out the lukewarm. It's the hypocrites that make people stumble, and God wants them out of the way.
Choose you this day whom you will serve... He sets before you life and death. Choose life.