Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Name in vain

One of the Ten Commandments is to not take the Lord's name in vain.

"You shall not make wrongful use of the name of the Lord your God, for the Lord will not acquit anyone who misuses His name."
Most people think that this means to not say 'cuss' words or phrases, but it actually means more.
When you say the Lord's name, it should always be with reverence.
If you say His name flippantly, it is disrespectful of the Almighty God.
In the Old Testament, the jews were so fearful of breaking this commandment, that they would leave the vowel out of His name. (Orthodox jews still do.) "YHVH" - the unutterable name of the God of Israel. His real name is not to be vocalized.
This is a far cry from these days, when people are not only cussing, but interjecting things like, OMFG or Jesus (Blanking) Christ.
People had better think about what they say because God does. Words mean things to God. He created the universe by speaking it into existence.
Watch your mouth.