What an awesome time in church today. Our praise and worship keeps getting better and better. It really is my favorite part of my entire week. Jesus shows up and His presence is so strong. Did you know the Bible says that the devil flees when we are praising God? He can't stand it so he leaves. Satan was the worship leader before he left God's presence, so music is one of the ways he uses to get people off track.
Have you noticed that the world is becoming more polarized in most things? Hot is getting hotter and cold is getting colder? Sins are getting larger but things of God are getting more powerful. Politics continues to be very conservative versus very liberal. There aren't many moderates left.
It reminds me of the verse in the Bible, where God says to either be hot or be cold, but He will spit out the lukewarm. It's the hypocrites that make people stumble, and God wants them out of the way.
Choose you this day whom you will serve... He sets before you life and death. Choose life.
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