Tuesday, August 31, 2010


"I don't know what the future holds, but I know who holds the future."

Rest assured that, although we don't know what is going to happen, God promises to be with us. He says He will never leave or forsake His children. He promises to take care of our needs.
Talk is scary lately. In my lifetime, I have never seen this kind of doomsday talk non-stop. And it's not just in America, it's worldwide. We have become global through communications, satellites, travel, and knowledge. And if you have read the Bible, then you know the warning signs of what things have to take place before Jesus returns for us, His bride.
As believers, we are not supposed to stop and look up. We are supposed to keep telling as many people as we can about Jesus, and that He will save them. And we continue until the final trumpet sounds.
I personally don't know when He will come back. The disciples thought it would be at any moment. I think that's how God wants it to be. It's a surprise and it's whenever He says. It could be right now or it could be awhile, but either way, we're supposed to be ready. "Don't worry about anything, but pray about everything." and "Perfect love casts out ALL fear."
The closer you get to God, the less fear you will have.