Thursday, August 19, 2010

One humble man

Without faith it is impossible to please God. Why do you hear of more miracles in uncivilized nations? I think it is because of more faith. A few years ago we had the grown son of an African minister preach at our church here in the States. This man grew up in Africa seeing all of the many huge miracles - even seeing his own mother raised from the dead. When he spoke to us, he was living in Chicago, preaching to Americans. He agreed that we don't see the kind of miracles here than he has witnessed in Africa. Or as another missionary put it, "In Africa, we don't call 9-11, we call Jesus." They don't have the hospital and doctor networks that we have set up here.
My (now retired) pastor said that when he was a young pastor, the churches didn't have a lot of sickness. The pastors also did not have health insurance, relying upon the Lord. He told me the year they all decided to get health insurance, sickness came into his church. People started relying on doctors instead of calling upon the Lord and His promises. "By the stripes of Jesus, we were healed."
This man from Africa was one of the most humble people I have ever met. He had a huge burden for the lost. He would ride the Chicago commuter trains with other Christian men and ask people if they could pray for them. They said almost everyone said yes. They had picked a certain route that was known for violence and security problems. They got to the last car on the train, and finally reached a man that their spirit sensed was evil. They asked if they could pray for him. He replied, no, that this was his train, and he was a satanist, and he was calling upon the devil for death and destruction on this particular route. There is real evil in this world. Thank God we have believers with a burden for the lost to go out and reach them in this very lost world.