Wednesday, June 30, 2010

God = Truth

For the first time in a very long time, I woke up thinking that God is saying that things are going to get better. I need to stop worrying. Because it's actually a sin. It certainly does not please God when we don't have faith. "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the conviction of things unseen." It's not faith if you can see it. When we really believe - when we really have faith - then we start thanking Him for what we can't see yet, but know it's coming. We know it's already been granted in heaven, we just can't see it yet. And God loves that. He loves us to trust Him.

I've been really worried lately about money. I'm making a lot less than I was even a year ago. And with all of the bad news in the media, it's easy to lose faith. But God promises to take care of His children's needs. "For my God shall supply all your needs according to His riches, in glory, by Christ Jesus." So there it is. And God cannot lie. He IS truth. So we don't have to worry, even if we don't see it. He WILL take care of us. He says, "I will never leave you or forsake you."
So comforting.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Stressful times

God's word says, "Don't worry about anything, but pray about everything." This sounds so simple, but is actually very hard to do. You cannot NOT worry unless you have faith in God. Because you have to turn it over to Him. You have to put it in His hands. It's really pretty free-ing when you do it. You can feel the sigh of relief.... off of your desk, onto His. Besides, your worrying won't do any good at all. On the contrary, all worry can do is give you lots of stress that will shorten your life and make you difficult to be around. In these very troubled times, give it over to Him. When watching the news and seeing a Gulf gusher, and the Euro collapsing, and Greece in turmoil, and a 'stimulus' that hasn't worked, and real estate plummeting and unemployment at it's highest, and no end in sight. Just remember.

He's got it all under control. He's still the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords and He's still on the throne. He's still reigning as King. He's still the Master of the universe. He created all of this - everything and everyone. You CAN trust Him.
So try it. Don't worry. Give it to God. And in the process, you will be lengthening your life.

Monday, June 28, 2010


I still keep focusing on forgiving myself. Every time the enemy tries to condemn me, I say, 'no,' that was in the past and I am forgiven. It frees me from punishing myself or thinking I deserve bad things to happen to me. I have asked forgiveness from God earnestly, so I know that He has forgiven me, because that's what it says in His word.

Then I focus on being a child of the King. Yes, as His children, we will inherit what is our Father's. I am rich in blessings. And some day I will go to heaven and have a mansion. Jesus said, "I go to prepare a place for you. In my Father's house there are many mansions. If it were not so, I would have told you." As a Gentile (non-Jew), we are adopted into His family with the same inheritance. It's by faith.
We are His royalty.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Crisis in the Gulf

When people see the continuing oil gusher in the Gulf of Mexico, they seem to know deep down that something is very wrong. The oil 'leak,' like our government, is out of control. Only God can stop this. There was a previous prophecy that after Oral Roberts died, that there would be a crisis in the Gulf of Mexico. I have previously posted that the Lord showed me that this oil gusher is a metaphor for the sin that is pouring into this country and world. Only God can stop the sin and only God can stop the oil. And in the meantime, there are thousands upon thousands of innocent people who's livelihoods have been decimated, health is endangered, and ocean that is polluted beyond measure.


Friday, June 25, 2010

Every day is a gift

I am a breast cancer survivor. Five years ago my regular mammogram detected there might be something there. Since my sister had a breast removed a few years before, I was concerned. The biopsy determined it was early breast cancer. After going to three different doctors, I chose to have a lumpectomy to have it checked out. The biopsy had put a BB in to mark the spot, so I had the operation only to find out that they missed the BB. They took out the wrong area. Two weeks later I had another lumpectomy. My surgeon said it was gone. Nothing there. A miracle!! So, so many people were praying. My surgeon said that maybe the first operation kicked my immune system in, but I said no, God had healed me. I had prayed and prayed. I asked for more time. I know I'm on borrowed time. And I want to tell as many people about Jesus that I can - that He saves, that He loves them, that they too can spend eternity with Him.

Oh, praise, praise the Lord!!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

The 11th hour

It's the 11th hour. It's like looking at the clock, and waiting for it to strike 12.
I just feel it in my bones. It won't be long until Jesus comes for His bride. We're not supposed to be waiting on the mountain top, we're supposed to be busy doing His work until He comes.
The birth pangs have gotten closer and closer together, and now, like in labor, we're at the end when they are coming so close together, that it's any time.
Repent and live.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Would there be enough evidence to convict you of being a Christian?

Here's what I feel strongly about -- and I'm talking to Christians. We're getting too tangled up in the world. God's word says we are to be IN the world but not OF the world. We've got to keep renewing our minds with His word. We aren't as kind as we should be. We're not as giving as we should be. We are too much like the world. Sometimes you can't tell us apart by how we look or how we act. God says He will discipline His children, and like a parent, it is for our (eternal) good. We are supposed to be like Jesus, who was self-less. We are supposed to help people, feed people, clothe people and especially God's family. If someone asks for help, help them. And if you're tired, ask God for the energy. It's too easy to come home from work, and plop in the easy chair, and just flip through the channels with the remote.

Time is short - go help someone...

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Day by day

A popular song from the 70's keeps coming to my mind:

Day by day..... Day by day..... oh, dear Lord, three things I pray..... to see Thee more clearly.... love Thee more dearly..... follow Thee more nearly... Day by day.
This was in the top hits in 1973 from the musical Godspell... wish a song like that would reach the top again....

Oh Lord, I stand in the gap for my fellow Americans, who are losing their way... I pray for revival here in the U.S. and all over the world. I know the spirit of the Anti-christ is upon the earth, and the end times have begun. But I pray Father that the veil of deceit will be lifted, so that they may see You. In Jesus' name...

Monday, June 21, 2010

Forgive yourself

Once you have asked God for forgiveness, He forgives. He wipes the slate clean.

"If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."
It then is important to forgive yourself. It may have been a really bad sin, and it's so hard to forgive ourselves. Sometimes we keep punishing ourselves, and hurting ourselves, thinking (often subconciously) that we deserve it.
But God is true to His word. Once you're sorry and repent, He has forgiven.
Then it's up to you.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's day

God is not only our Master, Lord and Creator, but He also is our Father.

How wonderful that He includes us in His family when we ask Him into our hearts.
How wonderful that God sets up families for networks of people that love us and help us in our times of need, as we help them when they too need help.
He made us interdependent on each other, as we are all parts of His body.
And when one part of the body is hurting, it affects the whole body.
Thank you God, that we can call you 'Abba,' which means Daddy.
Thank you for allowing us to have this kind of relationship with you that is so personal, so intimate, and so affectionate.
Thank you that I am in Your family, that I am Your child, and that I am a child of the King.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

The Bottom Line

I don't know about you, but for me, forgiveness is a continuing struggle. If it were the old me (or the old man as the Bible says) then I would want revenge. But God says to pray for our enemies and that vengeance is His. Hmmm... that would require us to let go and leave it with God. Sometimes we're stubborn like Jonah though... but it's for OUR protection. God doesn't want us to be bitter and mean - he wants us to be Christ-like, compassionate and kind. Obviously, that's impossible. If you actually read the Sermon on the Mount, what Jesus asks us to do is basically impossible. It can only be done, when Jesus lives in us, and He does it. How do you do that? Well, you ask Him into your heart. You confess (agree you've sinned, because we all do) and repent (decide you won't do that anymore.) And you get Spirit-filled. You 'clean out ALL your closets' of your life, and you give it ALL to God. Not just the living room, but even the small closets of your life. And when you do, He will come in and live IN you. Yes, I said IN you. (It's the opposite of being possessed by the devil.) When you give it ALL to God, He will come in and fill you with Himself. And you will know that He has because you will speak in a heavenly language, which are referred to 'tongues' in the Bible, which just meant it's another tongue, or language. (When people are possessed by the devil, the devil speaks through them as well, and it sounds demonic and gutteral, and is a different voice than the person.) The devil has a counterfeit for everything real that God has.

We just have to make up our mind, and God knows when we're serious. And then, when asked, He comes in our lives and takes over, and HE does it for us - through us.
It's awesome...

Friday, June 18, 2010

The Lord's lovingkindnesses indeed never cease,

For His compassions never fail.
They are new every morning;
Great is Thy faithfulness.
-- Lamentations 3:22-23

Thursday, June 17, 2010

All the King's Horses and all the King's men...

My thought for today is that the Lord revealed to me a few weeks ago, that the oil gusher is a metaphor for what is happening in the spiritual world as well. That the oil represents huge sin that is gushing into our nation, and also the world. I am reminded of 11 Chronicles 14 that we are to pray, if God's people will pray, then He will heal our land. We must pray that He will stop the oil from gushing AND that sin will stop gushing into our country, which is a gateway for the world. We must plead the mercy of God over the humans and also over the marine life. Only God can stop this. Remember when the Titanic set out, they said even God Himself could not sink that ship. Such arrogance... All of the top engineers of the Western world have been asked to come up with a plan to stop this gusher, and today it has been 2 months, and still there seem to be no guarantees. The longer it goes, the more people's lives will be affected. Ecosystems are indanger... People are in danger. I am reminded that we should be thankful that God Himself keeps His umbrella of protection over us when we pray and obey, but when sin becomes rampant, He starts lifting His hands of protection. There are thousands more oil rigs in the Gulf. It is becoming apparent that many others are vulnerable as well.

We must unite in prayer. Remember the verse that one person praying can send 1,000 angels, but two or more can release 10,000.

Please agree with me in prayer for the oil/sin to stop gushing, and that the oil/land can be healed.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

God is still on the throne

I need to remind myself that God is still on the throne; He's still in control, He's still the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. He is always with us and promised never to leave us or forsake us. When everything seems chaotic and out of control, I can rest assured that, as His child, He is going to make sure I'm okay, just like any good parent would do.

He is the creator of the universe. Of everything. He is all-powerful.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Prayer for the Gulf Coast

For over forty days the nation's eyes have been watching incredulously as millions of gallons of oil spew unchecked into the waters of the Gulf of Mexico. Every day we see the reach of this disaster spread along the coast, polluting delicate ecosystems, shutting down our fishing industries and poisoning wildlife. It is the worst man-made disaster in our nation's history, and there is still no definite end in sight. If this spill is not contained soon, it could be decades before our shorelines will recover. In many ways our nation is facing animpossible situation.

Israel faced an impossible situation when she came to the waters of Marah. Days into the wilderness and in need of water to survive, all they found was a bitter pool. Millions of lives were at stake, and Moses cried out to God for mercy. What he got in return was more than fresh water, he tapped into a revelation of God that we drink from to this day:

Moses cried to the Lord, and the Lord showed him a log, and he threw it into the water, and the water became sweet. There the Lord made for them a statue and a rule…saying, "If you will diligently listen to the voice of the Lord your God, and do that which is right in His eyes, and give ear to His commandments and keep all His statutes, I will put none of the diseases on you that I put on the Egyptians, for I am the Lord, your Healer" —Exodus 15:25-26

Moses was a representative of God and an intercessor for his nation. When he threw the tree into the bitter waters, it was symbolic of Jesus taking the nation's sins upon Himself. The moment Moses brought the connection of the Cross to the poison, the water was healed. It is no different for us. He is our Healer, and the power of the Cross is accessible to each of us who connects with it by faith.

Like Moses, we stand in intercession for America and plead the glories of the Cross on every bitter and poisonous thing cursing our waters. We pray for God's mercy on the shorelines of the Gulf and the East Coast. We plead the Blood of Jesus over our nation. May God stop the flow of oil and heal our polluted waters.

America needs healing not only in our waters, but we need God's healing in our government, our economy, our education system, our cities… and the list goes on. Our generation is drinking waters poisoned by humanism and abandonment of our Judeo-Christian foundations.

It may seem like America is in an impossible situation. But you are here in this time, in this nation, in these last days by God's design. He still has a destiny for America that is reflected in the seed sown by our forefathers from the Pilgrims through the Patriots who fought for our freedom at the cost of their life and honor. God intends His relationship with you to impact the people, the city, the nation you are in. You are salt and light. You carry the solution in your heart. You CAN make a difference! As Christians and intercessors for this nation, let us plead the Blood of Jesus over our nation and claim for America — the Lord is our Healer.

Prayer Focus: The Gulf Oil Spill

FRIDAY, JUNE 11, 2010. The BP oil well continues to spill hundreds of thousands of barrels of oil per day, making it the greatest ecological disaster in U.S. history. It will destroy the livelihood of millions of residents of the Gulf and kill millions of sea creatures, poisoning the estuaries of this region for decades. The federal government seems confused after 40 days of the spill.

Cry out for mercy. Ask God's intervention to stop the leak. As God had mercy not just for the humans, but for the livestock of Nineveh (Jonah 4:11), may God have mercy not only on the humans around the Gulf shores, but also for the sea creatures that are being poisoned daily. May the Lord inspire engineers with a solution.

Job 12:7-10, "But now ask the beasts, and they will teach you; and the birds of the air, and they will tell you; or speak to the earth, and it will teach you; and the fish of the sea will explain to you. Who among all these does not know that the hand of the LORD has done this, in whose hand is the life of every living thing, and the breath of all mankind?"

Psalm 148:7-10, Praise the LORD from the earth, you great sea creatures and all the depths; fire and hail, snow and clouds; stormy wind, fulfilling His word; mountains and all hills; fruitful trees and all cedars; beasts and all cattle; creeping things and flying fowl.

Genesis 1:20-22, Then God said, "Let the waters abound with an abundance of living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the face of the firmament of the heavens." So God created great sea creatures and every living thing that moves, with which the waters abounded, according to their kind, and every winged bird according to its kind. And God saw that it was good. And God blessed them, saying, "Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let birds multiply on the earth."

Jonah 4:11, "And should I not pity Nineveh, that great city, in which are more than one hundred and twenty thousand persons who cannot discern between their right hand and their left—and much livestock?"

Matthew 10:20, "For it is not you who speak, but the Spirit of your Father who speaks in you."

Drs. Mahesh and Bonnie Chavda
Mahesh Chavda Ministries


Monday, June 14, 2010

One of God's Laws

If you need something, then give it to someone.

If you need money, then give it first.
If you need healing, then pray for someone's healing.
It's an act of faith. It's action. It works.
It's God's law.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Today's vision

During praise and worship at my (Spirit-filled) church, I often 'see' things with my spiritual eyes. Today I kept seeing red jewels - they looked like earrings from India, and I also saw green scenery that looked like Ireland or Scotland. I'm not sure what either meant, but lots of people came forward at church today with a word from the Lord, and He was definitely there. His presence was palpable, and awesome! A little bit of heaven! Oh how I love these kinds of churches where the Holy Spirit is allowed to move and be with us! It's just what I needed today. I have been very weary lately, and God is true to His word, and gives me peace. "Come to me all you who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest."

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Hang on

If you're weary, hang on. Jesus IS coming. Jesus says to come unto Him and give Him your burdens, and He will carry them for you. It's a weary world. We're all so tired - physically, mentally and spiritually. God's word says we must endure, we must keep on keeping on, even when it's tough... especially when it's tough.

But I've read to the end of The Book, and we win! God is a just God, and justice WILL prevail. If you think things are not fair, hang on. God will take care of it. Even on this earth, each of us will reap what we sow. There are consequences for actions. God is always watching. No one's getting away with anything that God doesn't see. He is a rewarder for good, and he is a just God for those who do not obey.
Some day we will all meet our Maker. EVERY knee shall bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus is Lord. Some day we will give an account for our actions - all of them. And some day God will throw the devil into the lake of fire. So, hang on. We have an eternity with God in heaven waiting for us. It's our choice.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Do you care?

"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not." - Dr. Suess

This author writes so simply for children, but he hits the nail on the head. We have got to care and we have got to act on this emotion. We have got to be doers.
And if we don't care, we have to ask God to give us the love and the caring. Every day, more and more, people are starting to care less and less.
Christians are God's arms. If someone needs a hug, God can hug them through us. And it they're hungry, we can feed them. If they are cold, we can bring them blankets.
God is a spirit. He made it this way, so we can be the willing vessels to get His job done.
My personal prayer is, "Here I am, Lord, send me."

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Talking with God

"There is a vast difference between saying prayers and praying."

To those that are new with God, prayer is often misunderstood. With some churches, it is made into this formal ordeal with strange language spoken long ago. It's not necessary to talk in King James lingo with Thee and Thou. It's only necessary to talk to God earnestly, honestly, and of course, respectfully. Jesus taught us to pray with the Lord's prayer:
Our Father, who is in heaven, holy be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who have sinned against us. Don't lead us into temptation, but deliver us from evil.

We want to start out by thanking Him for blessing us, and praising Him (thanks and lifting Him up.) We don't want to just start out acting like a small child with 'Gimme, gimme, gimme.' He's not Santa Claus or some Genie in a bottle, He's your Father. Jesus reminds us that unless we forgive others, we will not be forgiven. And He reminds us that there is real evil out there, and we often need deliverance.
God wants a relationship with you. He wants to spend time with you. He wants intimacy with you, where you confide in Him, tell Him your fears and your desires. And He wants your love, because He already loves you dearly. He sent His son to die on the cross for Your sins, and all when you didn't deserve it, because no one did. Accept His gift of salvation. And get to know Him, because to know Him is to love Him.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Pray for our enemies

Hmmm... sometimes that's a hard one. Sometimes I feel like Jonah when God asked him to go and tell the Ninevites to repent. Jonah didn't want to - he wanted them to rot in hell. They were so wicked that they sacrificed children, among other things. So Jonah went the opposite way and was swallowed by a fish. (Good lesson to learn to not disobey God.)

But, in the same vein, we are told to pray for our enemies. Sometimes we have to do it out of duty because we're not feeling the love. I read that Corrie Ten Boom eventually forgave the Nazi's that killed her sister, tortured them in prison camps, and killed so many Jews. She finally found it in her heart to forgive them, because she asked God to help her. We can't do it on our own. God has to give us the love, His love. His desire is that ALL will be saved and go to heaven. Yes, the Bible does say that.
There are SO many rotten people in the U.S. - it seems like half the country now is just bad. Every election bares it out. And SO many in Washington D.C. that are rotten to the core. And we want justice and we want it now. But God says, 'Vengeance is mine,' and His revenge is much worse than ours. And we have to pray for God to give us the love for our enemies if we don't have it. We're also commanded to pray for our leaders, because God is the one that put them there. I heard someone say recently that we have the leaders that we deserve in this country.
May God have mercy on us all...

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Faith without works is dead

Talk is cheap. It's your actions that matter. I recently heard something Albert Einstein said, 'Setting an example is not the main means of influencing others; it's the only means.' This definitely is a true statement and goes along with God's word.

Some day when we meet our Maker, we will stand before Him and give an account of what we have done -- that's our actions. It's not what we SAID, it's what we DID here on earth. In the New Testament, there are verses where Jesus said we fed Him when He was hungry, and clothed Him, etc. and His disciples asked when? He said when we helped others... Christians are getting away from service. Service comes from the word 'servant.' We need to have servant's hearts and actions. We need to be DOERS not just hearers. We are not earning our way to heaven, but we do it out of love for others. We are supposed to be unselfish. Too many Christians are getting caught up in the greed of this world. Some of the most notable evangelists in the U.S. are living like kings (see photo above of televangelist Creflo Dollar's home), and I'm pretty sure that this is not WWJD (What Would Jesus Do.) It goes back to the heart. Our actions (and words) flow from what's in our heart. Our beliefs determine our actions.
Ask God what actions He wants from you...

Monday, June 7, 2010

What causes depression

Have you ever noticed that depression seems to be most prevalent in the United States? Could it be because we've been so well off that we are spoiled? We no longer are thankful for what we have? Depression is a spirit. That's right. A demonic spirit that comes from an unthankful heart. It's much different than sadness. We are sad when a loved one dies. We are sad when bad things happen. Depression is a state of mind. It's when we stay in the pity party way too long, and ultimately it brings bad spirits in to keep us chained. That's how satan works. When we sin, it brings in demonic spirits to keep it that way.

But we can break out of that. We can be delivered from that bondage. We can confess (agree with God for what we've done wrong, in this case of being unthankful) and we can repent (decide that we will start being thankful for the blessings God has given us.) And Jesus will step in. He doesn't force Himself; He only comes when invited.
The bible says that when we praise God, the devil flees. Satan cannot stand to listen to God being thanked and lifted up and worshipped. The bible says that God inhabits our praise. We ALWAYS have things to be thankful for, even if it's for (bad) things that have not happened to us. It can always be worse. There's an old expression, "Bad is never good 'til worse happens." It's all relative - it's all what it's compared to. It's why the bible wants us to be content with what we have. It's why the 10th commandment doesn't want us to covet. God is trying to PROTECT us. There's always someone who's going to be better off than we are. Why go through this life comparing ourselves to them and being unhappy. It's stealing our happiness. That's what satan does, he comes to steal, kill and destroy. He wants to steal your happiness... your joy. If he can get you there, he's got you where he wants you. Depressed. And if he can, he will keep on and try to steal your life. He will lie and tell you that your life isn't worth anything. But he will be lying because that's what he does.
So, remember, keep thanking God for your blessings. It will keep your head straight.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

The present

I'm hearing a lot of prophecies lately that God is saying that He is done with the past - that we need to push forward - that we need to let go of how it was done in the past. We need to step in. Step in to the new anointing. He also says in His word, 'sing to the Lord a NEW song.' The manna that came from heaven was new every day. If they tried to save it, it went rotten. There's a message in that too. Don't keep looking to the past. Live in the present. Don't keep living on the old memories. Seek God TODAY. He's not dead, He's alive. He CONTINUES to work in our lives every day. He speaks to us daily. We don't live on food we ate a week ago, we eat DAILY. We must seek God DAILY.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

No such thing as a coincidence....

God speaks in unusual ways.. The other day a friend of mine said that God uses birds to talk to her. I've heard several people say this. Once I fasted all day about a decision and as I sat at the park on the ground, a big group of ducks encircled me, quietly gazing at the creek. After 30 minutes, they headed to the water one by one and one dark one remained with me, just next to me in silence. I then received my answer.

God also uses clocks with me. He used to always wake me up in the night to give me a message, and when I looked at the clock, it was always 1:47 am. Lately it's changed to 9:11. I guess things are more urgent these days. In the past He used certain songs that only He and I knew were special to me. And of course, white feathers.
The story behind that is, at one of my previous jobs, a gal I worked with really loved her job. Her husband came home one day and announced they were moving to the other side of the state. Not only had he not even asked her about this, but he had also rented a house without seeing it. She decided to go look at the house, even though she wasn't planning on moving. When she walked in the vacant house with her husband and realtor, the master bedroom was filled with white feathers. The realtor was very embarressed because no one had a key or had been there. But my friend knew that this was from God. Unbeknownst to everyone else, including her husband, my friend had just read a book about angels where something similar had happened. She knew it was a sign from God to go with her husband. (She did and they moved back after 2 years.) But after this story, I find white feathers in the strangest places, and it is a love letter from God.
To know Him is to love Him... that's the way it is with Him. He gets to know you intimately and like a best friend, you will have private things just between the two of you.
Get to know Him and you will see what I mean...

Friday, June 4, 2010

Birth Pangs

The signs continue to herald the last days... the sink hole pictured at the right happened a week ago in Guatemala. It looks like you'll fall into hell... And there was another volcanic eruption in the last few days in Vanuatu, Solomon Islands; this following the Iceland, Ecuador, Guatemala and Mariana Islands eruptions in just the last few months.

The birth pangs are getting closer and closer together, just like God's word says...

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Practice His Presence

I once read in a book, that we should practice His (Jesus') presence. This is a great idea, because He's always with us. Just because you can't see Him, doesn't mean He's not there. I read that this lady even got a big shape of a person to sit at their dinner table. And I'll bet the conversation at dinner time was different when they did that. And not just not saying bad words. Maybe they were more respectful? Maybe they were more positive? Maybe they were more compassionate?

Jesus IS always with us -- try practicing His presence and see what changes for you.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Start looking

The rapture could happen any day... all of the biblical prophecies that had to take place before the rapture can happen, have already done so. Jesus said He was going to come back for His bride. He said He is going to snatch us up in the twinkling of an eye. And once the church, His bride, His believers, have been raptured, then earth will become hellacious. When the Holy Spirit (that lives in each of His children) has been removed from this planet, then it really will be hell on earth.

You need to be ready... It could come at any time... and probably when you least expect it.
Jesus is coming.... Are you ready???

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


In 1 Thessalonians 2:4, Paul says, "....but just as we have been approved by God to be entrusted with the gospel, so we speak, not as pleasing men but God, who examines our hearts."

I hear friends of mine often say, "I'm a people-pleaser," which is fine but the priority has to be to please God first.
My motto is, 'Do the right thing and let the chips fall where they will.'
It also says, "Seek first the kingdom of God and all other things will be added to you."
It's all about putting God first.
It's about pleasing Him first...