Talk is cheap. It's your actions that matter. I recently heard something Albert Einstein said, 'Setting an example is not the main means of influencing others; it's the only means.' This definitely is a true statement and goes along with God's word.
Some day when we meet our Maker, we will stand before Him and give an account of what we have done -- that's our actions. It's not what we SAID, it's what we DID here on earth. In the New Testament, there are verses where Jesus said we fed Him when He was hungry, and clothed Him, etc. and His disciples asked when? He said when we helped others... Christians are getting away from service. Service comes from the word 'servant.' We need to have servant's hearts and actions. We need to be DOERS not just hearers. We are not earning our way to heaven, but we do it out of love for others. We are supposed to be unselfish. Too many Christians are getting caught up in the greed of this world. Some of the most notable evangelists in the U.S. are living like kings (see photo above of televangelist Creflo Dollar's home), and I'm pretty sure that this is not WWJD (What Would Jesus Do.) It goes back to the heart. Our actions (and words) flow from what's in our heart. Our beliefs determine our actions.
Ask God what actions He wants from you...
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