Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Stressful times

God's word says, "Don't worry about anything, but pray about everything." This sounds so simple, but is actually very hard to do. You cannot NOT worry unless you have faith in God. Because you have to turn it over to Him. You have to put it in His hands. It's really pretty free-ing when you do it. You can feel the sigh of relief.... off of your desk, onto His. Besides, your worrying won't do any good at all. On the contrary, all worry can do is give you lots of stress that will shorten your life and make you difficult to be around. In these very troubled times, give it over to Him. When watching the news and seeing a Gulf gusher, and the Euro collapsing, and Greece in turmoil, and a 'stimulus' that hasn't worked, and real estate plummeting and unemployment at it's highest, and no end in sight. Just remember.

He's got it all under control. He's still the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords and He's still on the throne. He's still reigning as King. He's still the Master of the universe. He created all of this - everything and everyone. You CAN trust Him.
So try it. Don't worry. Give it to God. And in the process, you will be lengthening your life.