Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Would there be enough evidence to convict you of being a Christian?

Here's what I feel strongly about -- and I'm talking to Christians. We're getting too tangled up in the world. God's word says we are to be IN the world but not OF the world. We've got to keep renewing our minds with His word. We aren't as kind as we should be. We're not as giving as we should be. We are too much like the world. Sometimes you can't tell us apart by how we look or how we act. God says He will discipline His children, and like a parent, it is for our (eternal) good. We are supposed to be like Jesus, who was self-less. We are supposed to help people, feed people, clothe people and especially God's family. If someone asks for help, help them. And if you're tired, ask God for the energy. It's too easy to come home from work, and plop in the easy chair, and just flip through the channels with the remote.

Time is short - go help someone...