Saturday, June 12, 2010

Hang on

If you're weary, hang on. Jesus IS coming. Jesus says to come unto Him and give Him your burdens, and He will carry them for you. It's a weary world. We're all so tired - physically, mentally and spiritually. God's word says we must endure, we must keep on keeping on, even when it's tough... especially when it's tough.

But I've read to the end of The Book, and we win! God is a just God, and justice WILL prevail. If you think things are not fair, hang on. God will take care of it. Even on this earth, each of us will reap what we sow. There are consequences for actions. God is always watching. No one's getting away with anything that God doesn't see. He is a rewarder for good, and he is a just God for those who do not obey.
Some day we will all meet our Maker. EVERY knee shall bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus is Lord. Some day we will give an account for our actions - all of them. And some day God will throw the devil into the lake of fire. So, hang on. We have an eternity with God in heaven waiting for us. It's our choice.