Monday, September 13, 2010


Yesterday's sermon was about debt. It's choking the whole world...

The Bible has a lot to say about not being in debt, and to be a lender rather than enslaved as a borrower. Debt is an enormous problem - our national government is in trillions of dollars of debt and continues to print money, borrow from other countries, and say we can spend our way out of our troubles ( which makes NO sense.) Our states are in trouble and our citizens are in trouble.
But this is the symptom. The problem is greed. No one can live within their means. Few are saving - very few. And the nature of politics has only fed and worsened the situation. Politicians 'buy' votes and then reward them from slush funds. It's alarming.
First of all we need to give our 'first fruits' to God - our tithe (10% off the top.) And God promises to take care of our needs. This is key! We must be faithful to God. It's a covenant - you do your part and He will do His. And we need to work our way out of debt. When we are paying 20% to credit card companies, this is irresponsible and wasteful, since the money could be going to God's work.
It's going to take discipline, but it's the right thing...