Monday, September 20, 2010


Was thinking about the TV show "Undercover Boss," where the boss is so big that the employees don't even recognize him when he goes 'undercover' at his own business to do the day-to-day tasks.

I guess this is what it was like when God sent Jesus "undercover" to planet Earth. The Jews were expecting a king, a man who seemed presidential and was wealthy. The last thing they expected was a baby born in the poor part of the country. There was a saying at the time, that 'nothing good ever comes from Bethlehem.' Maybe it was like the Bronx or the ghetto.
And no woman had ever become pregnant without a man before. The virgin birth was a one time occurrence, so that the Holy Spirit would be the father.
And Jesus didn't hang out at all the finest places with all the finest people either. He met with the lowly, the sick and the sinners. From all accounts, he had average looks for someone Jewish in that day. And he was born a baby and had to grow up. He didn't preach until he was 30, when Jewish custom said a man becomes an adult.
He healed on a Sabbath, talked to Samaritans and talked to women - all of which were taboo with Jews of the day. It's the understatement of the world to say the Messiah was not what they expected. And ultimately, the only reason anyone started believing Jesus was the son of God was due to the attesting miracles. You can't argue with those. And you still can't today.
That's why Mark 16 says, "And these signs (attesting miracles) shall follow them that believe..." It's still the litmus test. It still takes the SUPERnatural to convince. People still need to see God's power at work.
God still heals. Jesus is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. He's still in the miracle making business. And He's still not what people expect.
Too many people get caught up in the pomp and circumstance of 'religion.' But Jesus wants a relationship - a living relationship. He's real. He's powerful. He's the creator of everything. He's love. He's truth. He's the beginning (Alpha) and the end (Omega.)
Life with Jesus is exciting. It's outside the box. Outside the laws of nature.
It's SUPERnatural.