Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Super powers

I think Super heroes are so popular because we're all looking for someone to save us. And we're all looking for super powers, but many are looking in the wrong area. There are only two forces in this world -- Good and Bad. God and satan. Black and white. Witchcraft, like satan, is deceiving. You can get God's power through the infilling of the Holy Spirit or the devil's power through witchcraft. But the latter will send you to hell.

God's power isn't lame; it's the most powerful. It's not the watered down gospel most western Christian churches preach these days.
The same power is available to you today that was available to Jesus' disciples. When you give your life to Jesus, your entire life, He will give you the gift of the Holy Spirit with the power. In Acts 1:4, Jesus commanded His disciples AND OTHERS to wait for what the Father had promised. They needed the power to go out and be a witness; they could not do it in their own strength. God had to be IN them. It has to be HIS power. (see Acts 1:8)
Read about Jesus' disciples before and after they received the baptism of the Holy Spirit in Acts 4:13. They were completely different men. The town people remarked about it that these were uneducated men who were now eloquent. God gave them all they needed.
He will for you too, just ask Him.