Saturday, September 11, 2010

Worship the same God?

Nine years ago today, our world in America changed forever. Innocence lost. When I was growing up, it was the Soviet Union that was scary. To me, it was the Good Guys versus the Bad Guys, and their communism seemed so strangling. Well, in a short time, the 'wall' fell and the Soviet Union broke up into separate countries again, and the world seemed to get some hope back. Until 9-11-01...

A new radical faction had reared it's ugly head, and just because we are free and don't believe like them, we were attacked. When the shock had sunk in, I found it to be bazaar, because we were not fighting an actual country with an army, but we were fighting radical Muslims lead by a man thought to be hiding in caves....

When I grew up, there were Muslims, but they didn't kill the 'infidel.' I don't know when it changed, or why or how, but it did. And 9-11 was the wake up call. It made me angry that the majority of the non-radical Muslims did not speak out about this horror. Was it because they too were afraid? Or was it that they, too, believed this way but let others do the killing? I still don't know.

I know as a Christian, that I would like to tell others about Jesus, and how He will save them from eternal hell and make their life on earth better. But then I will leave it at that. Then the 'ball is in their court.' The Muslims are opposite, or at least the radicals are. They don't have the same principles as we do.

We base our laws from the Judeo-Christian belief system - the 10 Commandments. We believe that killing, lying and stealing are wrong. We believe in respecting women. And we believe in freedom. The Muslim faith does not. They believe lying and killing the infidel are okay. They treat women horribly. And there is no freedom at all.

There's the difference. And they want to conquer the world and FORCE everyone to comply with what they believe.

Well, Obama is wrong. We don't worship the same God. The God of the Bible says different things than what Allah tells Muslims.

Now THAT is the truth...