Sunday, September 19, 2010


In Mark 16: 15-18, God's word says,

"Go into all the world and preach the gospel (good news that Jesus saves) to all creation.
He who has BELIEVED and has been BAPTIZED shall be SAVED;
but he who has DISBELIEVED shall be CONDEMNED.
And these signs (attesting miracles) WILL ACCOMPANY those who have BELIEVED;
in My name they will cast out demons,
they will speak with new tongues;
they will pick up serpents,
and if they drink any deadly poison, it shall not hurt them;
they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover."

Once you are filled with God's Spirit, you will have God's power.
Our pastor told a story from 15 years ago today. He and his family had stopped at a convenience store to get some drinks, but pastor saw a big man walk in as he drove up, and God told him to watch this man. He told his four children to stay in the car, and locked it as he got out. As he went in, the man started waving a huge (larger than butcher) knife at the woman behind the counter, and she was running toward the door, as pastor was opening the door, he yelled, "Everybody out!"
Since this was before cell phones, he went in the adjoining phone booth, and called the police and the dispatcher asked him to stay on the line. Then he heard yelling. It was his oldest son sticking his head out of the car window, yelling, "I rebuke you devil!! In the name of Jesus, I bind you from doing any harm." Pastor was flabbergasted and delighted all at the same time. Then, the man (who had been waving his knife through the window at pastor) put his knife down, and climbed on the counter and just sat there until the police came and arrested him.
His son, John, age 12, knew the truth, and was using God's power to bind the demonic spirits in this man. John had a lot more faith than most adults did.... and you can too.
Ask Jesus in your heart today.