Wednesday, September 29, 2010


There is a verse in God's word that says let no unwholesome word come out of our mouth. Words are important to God. Not only should we not use cuss words, or take the Lord's name in vain, but in addition to that, all words should build people up. Wow... that's a lofty goal. This means no complaining. This means no gossiping. This means no negativity. This means no venting. Only words that are edifying and build people up. Obviously, humans cannot do this without God's help; without Him being inside of us and helping us to do this. The only good in us is God.

If we did what this verse says with our children alone, imagine how quickly the world would become a better place. Words hurt more than hitting does, "sticks and stones..." And I am talking to myself first. This will be my goal.
I hope you'll try too...