Sunday, October 31, 2010


Well, here in the United States, it's Halloween. I've read several different stories on how this 'holiday' began, but it does seem to be most likely that it was thought that one day a year, the spirits came out, and people wore masks to hide from the spirits. It's usually around a Harvest full moon, and it is reported that the Druids had their pagan traditions around this time as well.
For children, it seems like a harmless fun holiday to play dress up and get candy. For those that worship satan, it's a 'high holiday,' where they perform satanic rituals and kill animals and often humans. And now with vampires being so popular with the kids from movies like Twilight, there are people who call themselves vampires, who in essence, drink lots of human blood. I read a disturbing story a while back of a group of young adults who murdered someone on a beach to feast on their blood...
Not such an innocent holiday to be sure.
The good news is that Jesus is triumphant over ALL evil. Yes, satan still rules this world, and yes, God still gives us free will. But when Jesus comes back, it will be a different story. Jesus said, "In this world you will have tribulation, but rejoice, I have overcome the world." He is still the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, and He's still on the throne. He also said, "Greater is He that is in Me, than he that is in the world." Don't forget that God created Lucifer (satan) and gave him free will. It was satan that rebelled and wanted to be on the same level as God.
I've read the end of the book. WE WIN!!

Saturday, October 30, 2010


This is one of the videos that's all over the internet saying it's possible that a time traveler was the person in this video from 1928, since it looks like they're on a cell phone. Well, I don't know about that (because who would she be talking to?) But there is a story in the Bible that is also hinting of time travel. It's about Phillip, and he talks to someone about Jesus, and then goes with the man to be baptized. It says when they came up out of the water, he found himself elsewhere. If you look up where he says he had been, and where he was in the blink of an eye, it was a day or two's journey away. You can look for yourself on the Biblical map in your Bible.
In Acts 8:34-40, it says, "And the eunuch answered Philip and said, "Please tell me, of whom does the prophet say this? Of himself, or of someone else?" And Philip opened his mouth, and beginning from this Scripture he preached Jesus to him. And as they went along the road they came to some water; and the eunuch said, "Look! Water! What prevents me from being baptized?" And he ordered the chariot to stop; and they both went down into the water, Philip as well as the eunuch; and he baptized him. And when they came up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord SNATCHED Philip away; and the eunuch saw him no more, but went on his way rejoicing. And Philip FOUND HIMSELF at Azotus; and he passed through he kept preaching the gospel to all the cities, until he came to Caesarea.
He had been on the road from Jerusalem to Gaza and was instantly in Azotus.
That's the definition of Supernatural.... it's outside of the natural laws.

Friday, October 29, 2010


Have you ever gone to a rock concert? Do you notice how excited the concert goers are in being there? Lots of emotion. Lots of dancing. People cutting loose. In the moment.

And then think of Sunday morning at church. At the vast majority of churches, there is little to no real worship. There is no emotion. No dancing. No lifting hands. No bursts of responses like 'Amen.' No exuberance of being there.
Now ask yourself, what/who do YOU worship? What brings YOU more excitement?
I can tell you I go to a church where Jesus is truly worshipped. People are VERY excited about what He has done and is doing in their lives. There is singing and dancing and prophesying and testifying. There is lifting up holy hands, lots of Amens, and people on fire for the Lord.
If you haven't found this, keep looking.
One day, EVERY knee shall bow and EVERY tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord...

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Take Him at His Word

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through Him all things were made; without Him nothing was made that has been made. In Him was life, and that life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it. " - John 1:1

Can you grasp it? Jesus IS the Word. I Am.
As His child, you can... claim, stand on, cling to, believe... Jesus' promises in His Word because they are YOURS.
It's like a poor man living in a house that he doesn't know has oil in the ground below it.
All the person has to do is dig for the oil, and it's his.
It was there all along.
When you have Jesus, you've got oil in the ground below!
Just activate your faith, and the oil will start flowing!
You will be 'rich' in His blessings!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Woman walks.mp4

Monday, October 25, 2010


My favorite time of the day is when I wake up. After the alarm goes off, I have "pillow talk" with Jesus, just Him and me. I just talk to Him and tell Him how much I love Him, and I know He's there with me, allowing me another day to live for Him. It's our special time together, and I can feel His love. And during this time, when all is quiet, I can hear Him. Not audibly, but He speaks to my spiritual ears.

When I was a pre-schooler, my mother did something really neat for me. She taught me to practice His presence. If I did something wrong, she told me Jesus could always see me and that I couldn't hide anything from Him, good or bad. I remember always looking over my shoulder, because I just knew He was there. And today it's even better. He's not some pie-in-the-sky waiting to pound me with His fist, He's my best friend and He's my fiance.
And I'm enjoying our 'pillow talk.'

Saturday, October 23, 2010


Oh this world is so hard sometimes. Some days I just don't have the mental strength to go on. Jesus said, "Come to me all you who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest." I also have to tell myself the verse, "I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me." And, "Apart from Him, I can do nothing." God never said it would be easy, but He promises to be with us. Satan rules this world. And people have free will. But God says in His word, "All things work together for good to them who love God, to them who are called according to His purpose." You see, He takes circumstances that the enemy means for harm, and works them together for good. And then finally, I've read the end of the book. Jesus wins. And we can win too if we let Him live in us. That's what He means when He talks about enduring. We must endure to the end, when Jesus wins...

Friday, October 22, 2010


The U.K.'s Susan Boyle admits that her mother was advised to abort her because the doctors thought the pregnancy was risky. Her devout Catholic mother never considered it. And when she was born, the doctors said, "It's probably best to accept Susan will never be anything."

Andrea Bocelli's mother was advised to abort when she had appendicitis while pregnant, making it likely that her child would be born with a disability. (He is completely blind but one of the world's best singers.)
And Tim Tebow, one of the best quarterbacks in this nation, was also recommended to be aborted since his mother had become sick in the Phillippines.
We are told not to kill, which includes a baby still in the womb.
Just leave it to God - He's always in control.
He has a plan for each of our lives.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

He's Alive!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Faith or Fear

When I was five years old, my great-grandmother, Mammy, died. Even at the young age of five, we had been very close. We stayed with her a lot when my parents went on trips, and she was one of my favorite people. When she died, I finally figured out she was never coming back, and it hit me like a ton of bricks. I can remember crying and crying, then sobbing and sobbing. One of my favorite people on the planet, gone.... forever.

This started my religious quest, even at this young age. I wanted to know where she went and if I'd ever get to see her again. And I wanted to make sure that happened. It also started a huge fear of death, since I didn't understand it, or understand God, or anything spiritual. My parents were not religious at all, and did not go to church. I think, in retrospect, they didn't understand it all either, but chose not to go digging. I bought lots of books on all the world's religions and studied each one to understand what each taught. And I played with the Ouiji board with my friends a lot in junior high. I then came to understand that there is a real spiritual world, and there are good and bad powers. After playing with the Ouiji board a lot, I felt what I now know were demonic spirits bothering me. I would stand in the corner and hum loud, and when my mom and sister asked what I was doing, I answered that I was trying to drown out the voices.
My mother finally remembered her Baptist upbringing, and said, "Don't you know Jesus is more powerful than anything else?" That hit me like a ton of bricks too. So, once I got this in my head, I gave it all over to Jesus in junior high. And the voices stopped. The demons left.
As I continue to grow in my PERSONAL relationship with my Father (God), we continue to get closer and closer and more intimate. And the closer I get to Him, the less I fear death. The Bible has a lot more references about hell than it does heaven. We just don't know THAT much about it. And that's scary. But what I DO know is that when you get really, really close to Jesus, then the fear starts to leave. You trust Him implicitly, and You know that He will keep His word. He will come back for you. He will be with you forever. And it will be wonderful.
He promised.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Bow down

At church Sunday, we had a wonderful end to our praise and worship. The entire church came front and kneeled while our praise and worship team sang, "I bow down, get low..." Oh, it was powerful.

Monday, October 18, 2010


Here's a wrap up of our sermon yesterday.

Pastor quoted someone that says there are two ways to operate in this life - fear of man or fear of the Lord.

Sonship is being so focused on God that everything else pales in comparison.

If you are worn out in life, then life (not God) has become your 'potter' (creator.)

John 4: 23 says, "But an hour is coming, and NOW IS, when the true worshipers shall worship the Father in spirit and truth; for such people the Father seeks to be His worshipers."

Sunday, October 17, 2010


Recently my pastor prayed that we (our church) would have more (spiritual) dreams and visions. I agreed, and asked God to please send them to me. Last night, a very bright light next to my bedroom shined, and I thought it was the motion sensitive light, although I always remember to turn it off. This morning I went to turn it off, and it already was.... (there's no one else to turn it off.)

After the light incident, I went back to sleep and had this dream. I had won 2 rooms at a really nice vacation resort. It looked like the beautiful white stucco places in Mexico with archways. In the dream, I had gone to check it out, and was down by the water, which was a very muddy, brownish looking river with concrete banks on either side, very far apart. There was no shallow area, it was all very deep. There were young couples in their twenties and thirties there who were partying and living it up, but not watching their very young toddlers. The toddlers could hardly walk, and the parents didn't seem to care that they were getting near the edge. I was worried, but needed to get to where I was going. I saw a small child fall in, and looked around to see if anyone had noticed. I watched to see if the child was going to surface, since the water was so dirty, you could not see. In the dream, I felt the need to guard the edge, but needed to get to other things. At this point I woke up and pondered. God seemed to say that the young children represented young souls who were living close to the edge and no one seems to care if they die. I have to stand in the gap, and try to rescue these souls...

Friday, October 15, 2010


You'll know if you're living for Christ, because the world will hate you. Jesus said so. "If you were of the world, the world would love it's own. But because you are not of this world, butI chose you out of this world, therefore the world hates you."

You will not fit in with the world. His word says we are to live IN this world but not be OF this world. When God is in control of your life, your life will be at odds with what the enemy wants since he rules this world.
But don't worry - you will find refuge in the church of your choice where you can get together with others with your beliefs, your hopes, your dreams. The world out there is rough. Let your church be an oasis in this desert-like life.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

"There are actually 34 of us, because God has never left us down here." - Jimmy Sanchez, one of the 33 Chilean miners, wrote in a letter from the mine a half a mile below, and is now rescued...

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


So incredible to see God's hand in the rescue of all 33 Chilean miners. What a miracle - against all odds - with all of the many, many things that could have gone wrong, God was merciful, and all of them were given another chance at the rest of their life. I've read that some of the miners asked Jesus to 'take the wheel.' And apparently one of the men held a Bible study where they were, a half a mile under the earth's surface.

Praise God that the world witnessed this wonderful miracle!

Sunday, October 10, 2010


Today's my pastor's son spoke at church and it was great! The gist of it was that God wants intimacy with us, an intimate relationship. And that, like in a marriage, prolonged intimacy makes a big chance at birthing something. If we, as His children, are not 'birthing' something, we do not have an intimate relationship with Him. God is so in love with us. Jesus is coming back again for His 'bride,' and longs to know us intimately.

He also gave me a personal word that, as I gave a testimony in the service today, he said God told him almost audibly to 'Watch,' and then he saw (in his spiritual eyes) me transform into an eagle. He said that I, as an eagle, had bruises and scars, and was a bit torn up, but I was flying and soaring in the skies, and that I am a prophet, not only for our church, but also in the world as well.

Saturday, October 9, 2010


A dispute has arisen because a Canadian couple has hired a surrogate woman to carry their child. They discovered the child is likely to have Down's Syndrome and demand the surrogate abort their child. The surrogate insisted on carrying the baby to term. The surrogate reluctantly agreed to the abortion because under the terms of their agreement, the couple would be absolved of any responsibility of raising the child under these circumstances...

How tragic. A life is a life. And murder is murder, no matter how hard the circumstances. This surrogate is now an accomplice to murder, along with the parents...
In the Ten Commandments, number six is "Thou shalt not kill"

Friday, October 8, 2010


We are at war...... but not with flesh and blood, but with the demonic world. God's word has a lot to say about putting on our armour and fighting. "Be strong in the Lord and the power of His might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil." (Ephesians 6:11) It talks about taking up our 'shield of faith' and 'fighting the good fight.'

We must fight the devil like Jesus did, with God's word. Each time satan tempted Jesus, He answered, 'It is written..." and so must we. God is truth and His word is truth. He is the great I AM. We must stand on these promises because they are ours, and they are the key to the abundant life here on earth.
Get a hold of them. Claim them. They will transform your life....

Thursday, October 7, 2010


My pastor has been preaching on restoration - how God wants to restore all those things His children have lost - lost children, lost finances, lost dreams... all those things that the enemy stole, and God wants to restore them. This sounds wonderful to me, because the enemy has stolen lots of things from me over the years, and I'm going to start taking them back! I'm going to stand on His promises in His word, and reclaim what is rightfully mine!

Yes, God IS a restorer....

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

God is good

Praise God!! The troubled soul I wrote to yesterday got some wonderful news. And they knew it is due to God's intervention! His word says all good gifts are from God, and whatever bad happens is because the enemy is in charge of this world; that, and people have free will. Sometimes people (like my above troubled soul) think that when the bad things happen, that it is God's fault. But it's actually the opposite. The Bible says, "God works all things together for good, to them who love God, to them who are called according to His purpose." You see, God takes what happens (since we are not puppets and have free will) and works things together for good. What satan means for harm, God turns it into good for us.

Anyway, thank the Lord for stepping in and helping out this soul.

Monday, October 4, 2010


Dear Troubled Soul,

Jesus is real. Give Him a chance. You say you have, and I know you think you did, but I'm telling you His word is real, His promises are true, and they are for you and all who will accept His gift. Oh, it burdens my soul that you cannot see Him, feel Him but He is there, right beside you. He is a gentleman, and He will not force Himself on you. He gave you free will, and says in His word, "Behold I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice, I will come into him and dine with him and he with Me." It is you that must open the door. He's knocking. He wants a relationship with you. Oh, give Him a chance. He died for your sins as much as mine. He is no respecter of persons, meaning He has no favorites. I know you cannot see Him, but you have seen how He works, you have seen His healings. You have experienced His goodness, and told me so. Don't let the enemy lie to you. He is lying with everything he's got. He knows your buttons. He watches us, and figures that out. But God is greater. "Greater is He that is in me than He that is in the world." Yes, the enemy has power but God created Lucifer, and gave him free will. And he chose to rebel. Don't make the same choice.
I love you so very much...

Sunday, October 3, 2010

He's Alive

My wish for you is to find an awesome Spirit-filled church such as mine. Each week the praise and worship is getting better and better because God shows up!! He is there!! And it's incredible!! During our singing praise and worship, a microphone is up front so that in between songs, any one can up and share a word from the Lord, a testimony, a vision or prophecy. It is so wonderful to see what God has been doing lately in all these people's lives. God's not dead, He's alive!! It's so great to see Him also confirm what He's been saying too. For instance, God has been dealing with me about 'activating' my faith lately. Then two different people came forward to say that God has been telling them about activating their faith (and I had not mentioned this to anyone.) God gives promises in His word to His children, and our faith will activate these promises. We have to DO something. We've got to stand on His word, believe and DO (act.) We've got to lay hands on the sick. "Faith without works is dead." Living a Spirit-filled life is so exciting; it's Kingdom of God living here on earth. Hebrews says that Jesus is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow (forever.) He healed when he walked on this earth, and He still heals today. As Spirit-filled Christians, He LIVES in us, and He heals people through us. We are His arms and legs because He is a Spirit. He is THE Holy Spirit, sent to us after Jesus ascended into heaven.

If you've been turned off by attending dead churches with hypocrites, try a Spirit-filled church where folks have Jesus living in them. It's a world of difference, it's real and it's exciting.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Kim Clement:

God Says, "I'm Going to Surprise You Come November"

"A Mighty Army Will Be Raised Up!"

The following word was prophesied by Kim Clement on September 18, 2010 from Dallas Texas:

God says, "I'm going to surprise you come November," says the Lord. "I'm going to show you something that's never ever happened before in this nation. For this nation, which I adorned, I will begin to implore and declare to you, something fresh is on the horizon," says the Lord. "Something new is on the horizon. And are you going to let Me down, Dallas, Texas?" God says, "I will raise up righteousness again. Kids will begin to shout His Name again. People will begin to pray, pray, pray. They will pray, pray, pray. Pray, pray, pray! Pray, pray, pray! Praise, praise, praise! Praise, praise, praise!"

Big D – little a – double l – a – s – "DALLAS." Be blessed! Be whole! Be whole! Be saved! Be saved! Be right! Be right! Be rich! Be rich! Be full! Be full! Now give Him a shout of praise!

We are prophesying to the dead bones of this hour. Get ready, get ready. God wants to bring rivers of life into this place. Hallelujah! Be whole! I want you to do me a favor. I want you to copy me. Be whole! Be rich! Be full! Be right! Be saved! Be pure! Be whole! Be rich! Now open your mouth and begin to praise Him as we prophesy to the dead bones of this hour that a mighty army will be raised up. "A mighty army will be raised up," says the Lord.

The energy here tonight is so powerful. God loves it when you step outside of the box. He has His eye on the youth of this nation. I said He has His eye on the youth of this nation. Statistics are saying that Americans are going backwards in terms of their intellect and understanding, literacy. But there's a spiritual emerging that's taking place which will also affect the education, the economy, and it's coming from our kids. Without the family, we're lost.

"Enough of Sorrow, Enough of Defeat"

The following word was prophesied by Kim Clement on September 19, 2010 from Dallas Texas:

How many of you are excited about what God's going to do in Dallas? God wants to know – what if you fill that big stadium full so that other teams could win? Don't you think it's time for the Dallas Cowboys, as a sign? Do you want them to win? How about a sign from the Most High God. Let's prophesy!

"Big D – little a – double l – a – s, be blessed!" This is Dallas, and God wants to restore Texas again and bring forth something that will shake the nation. How many of you believe that God can shake the nation? Let's go! "Big D – little a – double l – a – s, be rich. Be blessed! Be right!" How about, "Big D – little a – double l – a – s, you'll win, you'll win!"

The Spirit of the Lord says, "There has been trouble, sorrow, bad reports, economic change in the State of Texas, and in many that I've chosen to bring forth a sweet fragrance to the nation. There is a new party, a political party that is arising," and God says, "it will challenge both sides of the coin, and I will bring righteousness into the schools and the universities again. Yes, I will! I will begin in this state.

"This is a pioneering state," and God says, "I listen to your praise. I listen to your voice. I listen to the sound of victory coming from you. Enough of sorrow, enough of defeat," says the Lord. "It's time to arise and shout like Jehoshaphat shouted in the presence of his enemies!"

These words that Jesus prayed are incredibly powerful, but God says, "I want to show My greatness on the shores of this nation. I want to show My people who have prayed and prayed and prayed that I have not forgotten them. There is an imminent war against Israel," and the Spirit of God says, "they shall say we will get to their shores and under their ground in America."

"In November, There Shall Be a Surprise"

God says, "In November there shall be a surprise and many of you shall say, at last, the Lord has broken the power." God says, "I am rising up for you."

And God says, "I will use the earth and the sea to demonstrate My power," and God says, "there shall be a tidal wave and the enemy shall not get to the shores. They shall say, we are baffled, why does nature stand against us? And America's great men shall stand and say, it was not nature that stood against you, it was the Lord God Most High!

"I am here to say that you have offered Me great presidents in the past. They laugh now, but soon they will say, give us back a Bush. We want a burning Bush." God says, "I will draw from the State of Texas another candidate." God said, "A young man he shall be, like your present President." And God said, "He will slay the monster of the east with the words that he speaks that I placed within him before he was even born."

"America, listen to this prophet, your greatest day, your greatest revival is upon you. For I breathe My breath into your children and children's children, and so it shall be as it was in the days of David, as in the days of Jehoshaphat, as in the days of Paul, it shall be," says the Lord. "They shall jump and there shall be sounds of victory in every house in the United States of America," says the Lord!

Kim Clement 
Prophetic Image Expressions

Friday, October 1, 2010


Mother Teresa said, "Every time you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing."

A smile is in the universal language that we all speak. Yes, the eyes are the windows to the soul, but a smile is a wonderful gift. It's a way to say to someone that they matter to you, they matter enough for you to smile at. Have you ever smiled at someone you didn't know, and they act indifferent and don't smile back? You gave them a gift and they didn't reciprocate...
It's also how we, as Christians, are. We tell you about Jesus. It's a gift, a gift for you to accept. It's your choice. You might choose like some that don't smile back. You just sit there and do nothing.
But it's your loss, your very huge loss.
Accept the gift. And then go out and spread it...