Sunday, October 17, 2010


Recently my pastor prayed that we (our church) would have more (spiritual) dreams and visions. I agreed, and asked God to please send them to me. Last night, a very bright light next to my bedroom shined, and I thought it was the motion sensitive light, although I always remember to turn it off. This morning I went to turn it off, and it already was.... (there's no one else to turn it off.)

After the light incident, I went back to sleep and had this dream. I had won 2 rooms at a really nice vacation resort. It looked like the beautiful white stucco places in Mexico with archways. In the dream, I had gone to check it out, and was down by the water, which was a very muddy, brownish looking river with concrete banks on either side, very far apart. There was no shallow area, it was all very deep. There were young couples in their twenties and thirties there who were partying and living it up, but not watching their very young toddlers. The toddlers could hardly walk, and the parents didn't seem to care that they were getting near the edge. I was worried, but needed to get to where I was going. I saw a small child fall in, and looked around to see if anyone had noticed. I watched to see if the child was going to surface, since the water was so dirty, you could not see. In the dream, I felt the need to guard the edge, but needed to get to other things. At this point I woke up and pondered. God seemed to say that the young children represented young souls who were living close to the edge and no one seems to care if they die. I have to stand in the gap, and try to rescue these souls...