Monday, October 25, 2010


My favorite time of the day is when I wake up. After the alarm goes off, I have "pillow talk" with Jesus, just Him and me. I just talk to Him and tell Him how much I love Him, and I know He's there with me, allowing me another day to live for Him. It's our special time together, and I can feel His love. And during this time, when all is quiet, I can hear Him. Not audibly, but He speaks to my spiritual ears.

When I was a pre-schooler, my mother did something really neat for me. She taught me to practice His presence. If I did something wrong, she told me Jesus could always see me and that I couldn't hide anything from Him, good or bad. I remember always looking over my shoulder, because I just knew He was there. And today it's even better. He's not some pie-in-the-sky waiting to pound me with His fist, He's my best friend and He's my fiance.
And I'm enjoying our 'pillow talk.'