Friday, October 29, 2010


Have you ever gone to a rock concert? Do you notice how excited the concert goers are in being there? Lots of emotion. Lots of dancing. People cutting loose. In the moment.

And then think of Sunday morning at church. At the vast majority of churches, there is little to no real worship. There is no emotion. No dancing. No lifting hands. No bursts of responses like 'Amen.' No exuberance of being there.
Now ask yourself, what/who do YOU worship? What brings YOU more excitement?
I can tell you I go to a church where Jesus is truly worshipped. People are VERY excited about what He has done and is doing in their lives. There is singing and dancing and prophesying and testifying. There is lifting up holy hands, lots of Amens, and people on fire for the Lord.
If you haven't found this, keep looking.
One day, EVERY knee shall bow and EVERY tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord...