Sunday, October 31, 2010


Well, here in the United States, it's Halloween. I've read several different stories on how this 'holiday' began, but it does seem to be most likely that it was thought that one day a year, the spirits came out, and people wore masks to hide from the spirits. It's usually around a Harvest full moon, and it is reported that the Druids had their pagan traditions around this time as well.
For children, it seems like a harmless fun holiday to play dress up and get candy. For those that worship satan, it's a 'high holiday,' where they perform satanic rituals and kill animals and often humans. And now with vampires being so popular with the kids from movies like Twilight, there are people who call themselves vampires, who in essence, drink lots of human blood. I read a disturbing story a while back of a group of young adults who murdered someone on a beach to feast on their blood...
Not such an innocent holiday to be sure.
The good news is that Jesus is triumphant over ALL evil. Yes, satan still rules this world, and yes, God still gives us free will. But when Jesus comes back, it will be a different story. Jesus said, "In this world you will have tribulation, but rejoice, I have overcome the world." He is still the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, and He's still on the throne. He also said, "Greater is He that is in Me, than he that is in the world." Don't forget that God created Lucifer (satan) and gave him free will. It was satan that rebelled and wanted to be on the same level as God.
I've read the end of the book. WE WIN!!